by Dottie Chandler
You are the bedrock. You are the foundation upon which Nova Earth is being built … you see it in each other! Cherish that. Build upon that. … then stand back and be the observer. … when you are moved to participate, do so in ways that are kind and...
by Dottie Chandler
When you… and you do express your gratitude, whether it is for a particular cloud or mountain or stream or blade of grass… it is a gift. … It is a conjoining … a sublime union, it is a form of sacred union where there is recognition … shall I say,...
by Dottie Chandler
I am encouraging you to dream your fondest dream … your heart’s desires … to be in a position to step forward, to lead as a shepherd does, to gather, to nurture, to comfort, and to show the way out of the darkness into the light. There is no room and there...
by Dottie Chandler
When you have learned how to … ride a bicycle … there is that moment when you find your center of balance and everything falls into place. … In this process of ascension, all energy and focus is on the love and heart. St. Bernadette
by Dottie Chandler
I am guiding you to embrace each day as a resurrection. … leave behind the previous day, week … any sense of burden. … begin each day anew with the rebirth … of your sacred self … of awe, wonder, potential and love. Jesus