Message of the Day

Your pattern, your sacred beauty, your might, your unique contribution to my unfoldment, which is your unfoldment, it is NOW. Not 20 years hence and not 20 years past. It is in your time and my time, NOW!     Divine Mother

Message of the Day

You have come from the past, the future and the now and you carry within you all codes, all knowing, all love, all sweetness.   Jesus

Message of the Day

So yes, we welcome you! And we welcome you, each of you, literally, to this Intergalactic Council. You are assuming your place at the table and we have been waiting. You bring your wisdom; you bring your wisdom of your planet and of the human experience; you bring...

Message of the Day

This day I bring you my Violet Blaze… it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action.   St. Germaine

Message of the Day

Long ago this Council, the Mother herself has taught you two fingers to the heart. Now, with those fingers write LOVE, play with it and simply observe. The tide has turned!   St. Germaine