Message of the Day

Greetings … I am Mother …  Mother of ALL… not merely of a handful of humans, of star beings … I am Mother of the soil …  the air. …  the stars … of a grain of sand. … Mother to the crustaceans …  the lions …  a newborn child. … Mother of Service. … of Sacred Offerings...

Message of the Day

And so one of the things that I learned …  was that I would wait …  I would trust … and I would hope until I could feel again the dawn breaking in my heart …   I come to support you, to share my heart with you, to reassure you, sweet one, that you are not alone. … ...

Message of the Day

When you have incarnated you brought your team with you. … Look around you and see – you are surrounded … Accept and embrace those who surround you.  … like-minded beings … who know, love, honor and cherish you.   Jesus

Message of the Day

….. your essence is, always has been, it includes, purity. Recognize it. Embrace it. Trust it. Count on it. Expand it. Share it. …  When you express your purity in thought, in word, in action …  what you are doing, what you are saying to … humanity …  to the person …...

Message of the Day

So, while you are going through this period of volatility, of everything coming to the surface so … control is exposed …  you, my beloved ones …  are dealing with it …  transmuting it …  changing it. … I want you to know … we are at your beck and call …  about half an...