Message of the Day

… when you are sending the love – and it continues, sweet one, in waves all over Gaia – what you are doing is you are in fact shifting their energy {challenging personalities} in ways that a million conversations would not accomplish.  Universal Mother...

Message of the Day

When you see the genuine, deep, profound transformation, applaud it, laud it, transmit it across the airwaves. Celebrate it!  Archangel Michael

Message of the Day

There are legions on ship hovering very closely and those of you who are assuming the fullness of your inter-dimensionality are seeing us more and more. Grener of Ashira of Neptune

Message of the Day

We continue this discussion of what it means to truly be …  in the unity of heart …  heart-consciousness, of mental and emotional unity …  in absentia to fear …  to judgment …  to embrace and embody all beings in all forms, all kingdoms, all energies upon this...

Message of the Day

The quality of this dimension {ninth} is truth. … the growth pattern which engenders completion … the ability to let go, to reach resolution, to continue on in joy, to accept, and participate in the unfoldment.  Albert Einstein