by Dottie Chandler
.Awe is the ability to feel and experience always and fully the wonders of creation, the Divine. … the innocence of the small child within … the sense of wonder … the expectation and joy at being, simply being. … It is the color of yellow...
by Dottie Chandler
… the honour of leadership … of Nova Earth is like a shepherd gathering unto themselves those who are lost or forgotten … a trust that is placed not only in an individual but in a group … to create a cohesive community … the unity of...
by Dottie Chandler
Do you hold yourself in the reverence that we hold you? … with the deepest regard that is possible …Wisdom is the knowing of the divine plan. But you cannot even commence to have this sense of wisdom if you do not have reverence for your sacred being. ...
by Dottie Chandler
Open your crown, your heart, and allow yourself to be filled with the gentlest pink imaginable, because grace is soft; it is powerful yet soft and gentle. … the stillness that comes upon you when you see a deer and you remain perfectly still seeing the beauty,...
by Dottie Chandler
Peace comes from the alignment, yes, with truth … and the only truth is love. So stand back and know, sweet angel of light and all angels of light: You are protected! … you are detaching from the drama … that which is not of love … But...