Message of the Day
Galaxies are born every day so do you not think you can create a little something for yourself? … Creation cannot be achieved without the alignment of … Divine Heart and love to your heart … that is why we encourage you so strongly to dream, to...Message of the Day
The 13th Octave is a state of being … wholly and completely anchored, and aware … in the heart of One. … it is the point at which vibration and sound is the sound of God … beyond human ears … but clearly felt throughout the Universe. ...Message of the Day
Humility is to know you are an instrument of love …. sometimes you are led to service that is not exactly as glamorous or … fulfilling as you hoped … It matters not because the reward of service is the service itself. Lao TzuMessage of the Day
… your well is full, and it’s inside you … You are the constant flow; you are the conduit of personal love, of divine love … This is what the Mother is talking about when She asks everyone to fall in love with each other. When that is...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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