by Dottie Chandler
When we are in stillpoint we are in that place of hope. … holding that alignment of knowing that even if we do not know there is a plan, a Divine Plan … a plan within that Plan, that everything is in alignment even when it looks completely screwed...
by Dottie Chandler
… what do you wish to create? … Come with me. Let my golden love warm you. I am the Father sitting next to you with my hand on your shoulder simply saying how can I help? Yahweh
by Dottie Chandler
Receive the waves of the Mother’s tsunami of love. …Allow the love to come to you; the Mother’s love … to penetrate your screen and remove resistance. Let it flow freely right through you … Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
One of the most effective ways that I have dealt with these emotions {i.e. fear, yearning} is to connect with Gaia … to place my feet, my body …. upon this mighty beautiful planet … filled with valor, truth, justice and balance. When you anchor...
by Dottie Chandler
First and foremost your mission is to be love, to know love, to express love, and to know and be joy. This is your primary mission before you do anything else … Jesus