Message of the Day

What I am asking of you this day and every day is to have extraordinary courage … the courage to truly, not only explore your dreams, your desires of what you choose to bring forth, {but} have the courage to claim your dreams.   Jesus Sananda

Message of the Day

… no one wants to be in a war, in a fight, in an argument …  when joy is present, not truly.  … as I speak to you, as I have illuminated you, you know this and so I ask you, I invite you to create these routines… so not once a day… ALL DAY, EVERY...

Message of the Day

The tide has turned, so this is part and parcel of what we ask you to do…this undertaking in your transition work. Often you are saying, “Lord, what can we do?” Write LOVE, write it everywhere, and write it, sweet one, on each other’s hearts as I write it upon you...

Message of the Day

… you are divinely radiant … the fulfilment of a promise made to all of us long ago.  … but it is now! … And it is now, not because we decide, but because you in your infinite wisdom, in your heart-conscious knowing, have chosen and said yes. ...

Message of the Day

I am calling to you.  Clear your hearts and clear your bodies.  Let go of the debris and come walk with me.  I am waiting.   Jesus