by Dottie Chandler
Knowing yourself is not only of the sweetness of your heart, but of the dreams, the desires of what you wish to create – for your sweet self, your family, your soul family and this journey back to One – in this life, in this time, in this body, and by this...
by Dottie Chandler
So yes, we begin this day with celebration, or shall I say ‘cautious’ celebration! [Chuckling] I am not cautious, no, but we modulate because of course my Plan is not to create mass hysteria. Quite the contrary. It is time for this populace to calm down. Universal...
by Dottie Chandler
Share the energy of your sacred selves with each other. … realize that this is where your fuel and your support comes from. You will need it in the days ahead. No, it will not be Armageddon, but it will be busy. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
I am only here to love, to elevate you, and to show you, to remind you of your purity, of your beauty, of your balance within your sacred self of the Alpha/Omega, of the truth of who you are. Serapis Bey
by Dottie Chandler
Never Ending Wonderful. I did not just come up with a catchy phrase! I am telling you, I am telling everybody – some hear, some don’t – but what the present is… not just the future but the present… the gift, the present is the entering, anchoring, and existing...