Message of the Day

It is one thing to dream … and as you well know, I am a fabulous dreamer, and we enter into the violet dream and into the expansion of Oneness continually, constantly, repeatedly for, frankly, where else would you wish to live!    St. Germaine

Message of the Day

If you were to think of this as a … a very complicated combination lock … where the tumblers have need to align and there is a ‘step-click, step-click, step-click’ – you are at the point of the final unlocking. The pieces are in place, the tumblers are aligned,...

Message of the Day

The promise I exact from you this day, and for all time, is to forgive yourself.  Allow fear to be released, for there is no fear when you have felt my continued and continual presence and support.  Release it now.  Feel my lightness enter within you and warm your...

Message of the Day

The future is right now. Embrace it. Embrace it with the golden laughter, with the glee, with the excitement of a child and the wisdom of an elder because you are all of it. Let us go exploring, the universe beckons.  Kuthumi

Message of the Day

Sacred union with self is moving from that place of illusion; believing you are less than … into a place of ultimate becoming, expansion and absolute knowing that you are capable, talented, creative and loving.  … that you are here for a reason.  Linda...