My Essence is Everywhere – Universal Mother Mary Video

The Divine Mother invites us to come and feast at her table and accept her beautiful gift of the blue diamond, her essence that is flooding everyone with the Tsunami of Love. Saturday Conference Call Meditation So we begin today embracing, engaging, working with, the...

Backstage In My Mind

  Archangel Gabriel’s discussion of co-operation as a stepping stone from no-love to love was very, very helpful to me. But not in the obvious way. Let me take you backstage in my mind. It showed me how far my social skills have eroded in the years...

A New Show: Lights of the Roundtable

Council of Love and InLight Radio presents the first in a new series: Lights of the Roundtable. This month’s show is hosted by Steve Beckow. For the first portion he interviews Linda Dillon, webinar leader and channel for the Council of Love, and Heavenly Blessings...