BE Who You Are!

Yahweh ~ Embrace The Totality Of Who You Are! (Part 2/2)

Here is the powerful Part 2 of this fabulous Channelled Gem with Father Yahweh, lovingly shared from a personal reading with Linda Dillon, for the benefit and enjoyment of All.

Yahweh: You are an artist. You are a sensitive. One of the greatest deviations – not only on this planet; it has happened elsewhere too, at different times – has been this denial of the composite of the truth of who you are. This denial has shrunk what men and women feel, not only what they’re allowed to do but who they are, and the doors were shut and limited. It is not the way.

You come to a time for the restoration of beauty, and the recognition of that beauty in creation and in each other. That cannot occur if there is that sense of limitation – denial – within your sacred self. Embrace all of you! There is not one speck within you that I say to you, “Don’t look at that, don’t embrace that.” Not one speck.

Now, what you are doing – and I am proud of you, both of you – is you are looking at those specks, you are allowing, you are expanding; you’re not trying to stay rigid within a framework that worked for you 20-30-40 years ago. You are not that person. You are more! You are intended, designed, given the gifts to be more.

I want you to play with this. This is not intended to be a serious undertaking. Are there moments? Yes, but if you play with it as if it is an art project… paint each other, paint yourself. You remember we have talked to you about being a hunk of clay, and the wonderful thing about clay is it can be remoulded and remoulded, dissolved and remoulded again.

This is your life. Yes, there have been many lives, and we have referred to that often. But think of it. This is your life! Not only I did not, the Mother did not, Yeshua most certainly did not say, “Now I want you to go and do it this way and adhere to my rules.”

My only rule is Love!

And it isn’t a rule, it is simply an existence. It would be terrible if you were not to explore the fabric, the clay, the multitude of ways in which to express. It would be a shortcoming. You would be cheating yourselves. Do not do this.

You are on a new adventure!

G: And it feels so good! I’ve been thinking about and reading several books about lucid dreaming, which had me wondering. Three times in a dream, I’ve experienced something happening to A which I thought “impossible” because she was both lying on the ground and at the same time taking a walk with me. I wanted to try to wake up in the dream but woke up for real.

And after two or three of these experiences, I’ve been asking myself if I could train and learn how to lucid dream – and if that would help in making progress as an artist, a musician, or someone who can make contact with other people, just be myself in more expressive and freer ways?

Y: Yes. Now, you are a dreamer, and that is a term; you are a dreamer, and in your dreams you are definitely multidimensional, so you are exploring various realities all at once. And yes, it is a way in which you can explore and become more lucid about your sacred self.

In the dream also where you see A lying on the floor or the ground and walking with you, it is also because A, you, sweet angel, are leaving some of your old self behind as well. You are saying, “That is alright,” and G, you are saying to her, “Well, that’s okay, let’s keep walking, let’s keep going, let’s keep exploring.” And you can do that in a multiplicity of ways.

One of the things I suggest to you – and yes, this is part of the play – before you fall asleep… so do not do it just as you are beginning to drift away or doze off… before you go to sleep, simply create – and it will be a creation – what you wish particularly to explore that day, that week, and then go. The key will be not only to having the lucid dreams, which you have had, by the way, your entire life. What you are doing is you are programming yourself to remember.

So what you are saying is, “Okay, now today I’m going to explore (and try and stay on planet for the beginning of this) what this is about and I’m going to remember.” So it is the two factors. When you remember upon awakening, either write it down or paint it down, sing it down, and enjoy it!

G: Yes, that’s good advice. Yesterday evening, while having a nice and pleasant talk together, A told me that she always moves through the house and around me in a very cautious manner, because she wants to do things in ways she thinks are good for me or that I will like. I replied, “Well, A, please stop doing so because I want to see you as the woman, the beauty, that you are for yourself – and when you give yourself that freedom, it makes you happier and it makes me happier. So please go on and discover yourself and accept yourself as you are.”

Y: Sweet daughter, you are the nurturer. You know you carry the energy of the Mother, and you always have. And that is a sacred gift. And yes, part of that, how you, out of love, have interpreted that or applied that has been to please, and not only G but your entire family. And that has been a gift. This is not a shortcoming.

But sweet angel, you have forgotten part of the equation, and part of the equation is A! And A is the angel, the gift to the planet, to the family, to the community, to the Mother and I. So why, why are you walking on eggshells? Why are you trying to be safe? We know why. Because you wish to maintain, you wish to please. I am asking you to please yourself.

Again, think of this. You are a composite, and yes, you are the nurturer, you are the caretaker, you are the teacher, you are the holder. [But] where is my wild child? Where is the wild woman? Where is the creative, expressive, free spirit that you are and that you are intended to be, and not just for G?

Think of these children, new children, grandchildren that come into your life as such gifts. Yes, you are showing them what it means to be loved, nurtured and cared for. Teach them how to be free. Teach them how to let go and to reach the edges. Not in ways that are destructive or harmful, but in ways that you show them that the world is theirs and that they are free to express in ways that are pleasing, exciting, delightful, extenuating for them.

When you are alone in the house, or anywhere, I am asking you not only to stretch your wings but to stretch yourself. You do not ask for very much. Why? This is the core. You are so afraid, my beloved, first of all, that if you ask, the answer may be no and that would hurt. But if you ask, and you do it and are judged, that would be harsh.

So I am asking you, we are asking you: “Can you please, please, please let A out to play?”

G: Last night, I asked A to dance for me. I think I’m going to repeat that wish for this evening. [Chuckling]

Y: Yes, because you’re allowing the playfulness to come through. And you are, both of you, creating the safe space in which you begin to feel the expansion. And as you do and you realise, sweet angels, both of you, each in your own way, that this is not dangerous, not judged, not shameful, not insufficient, then you can expand it further and further.

So yes, you are giving each other permission, but I beseech you: Give yourself permission!

G: Yes, so important. I asked A yesterday evening because I feel a huge need that she share her feelings with me. A is a rather silent woman, thinking about things and feeling all kinds of things, yet it’s sometimes very difficult for her to express those feelings. I’ve invited her several times to share those feelings because she may be sure that I won’t judge her feelings.

I’ve shared a lot of my feelings lately and she’s always ready to listen and to encourage. And I want to be for her the man that can encourage her as well because she is good as she is. She doesn’t have to be someone different for me. And I’m longing to see her, to know her.

Y: And it is time. And it is reciprocity, mutuality. In this, it is not just permission to express; it is heart-sharing. What you are doing is you are sharing the truth of who you are. So it is not mental and it is not strictly emotional; it is your heart, and it is communicated, of course, in a million ways, but you are verbal and this is how you communicate.

Because when you do this – and this has been the sacred paradigm laid down for communication – when you do this in heart-sharing, what you are doing is you are accessing each other. You are saying, “This is the truth of who I am.” In this moment, in this environment, it is simply an expression. And when you start to do that, it comes through your body, through your eyes, out into the very air you are breathing and changes, quite literally, the atmosphere of your home or the countryside! It is the pattern of being a Nova Being.

Vulnerability – which is what we are speaking of, and what I’m always talking to this channel about [chuckling] – has often been wrongly interpreted by humans as a shortcoming. It is a necessary, desirable aspect. So when you share, and it does not need to be monumental: “I feel xxx, my heart says xxx,” you are being vulnerable, which means you are being open and accessible to one another.

You cannot have intimacy unless there is this vulnerability; unless there is this true expression in every way. You cannot say, “Now we have an hour of intimacy.” No. Either you are or you aren’t. So you are expanding, and dear heart, it is safe. We are waiting for you! …

When I am asking you to let go, let go. And when I am asking you to let go, I’m not just asking you to let go of fear of being judged or not loved. I am asking you to let go of it all! And let me in, and let me help you, because I am your Father and I am here to help.

You don’t ask for much, ever. And then, when you do ask, you ask on behalf of others. Your petition and your request are heard and responded to, sweet angel. You are not trapped in this body. That is the old A lying on the ground.

You are walking, talking, living, proceeding in trust. And so often, humans think of trust… it is sacred, and it is internal and it is external… but trust is also joy. It is your gift, yes, to yourselves and each other, but also to us; that in the joy and the trust, you know… you may not know the details of what is for supper two years from now… but you know, you know yourselves!

And yes, you are trusting in us, but you are trusting in each other, and it is joyful. It is not nervous, it is not anxious, it is robust. It is a sense of: “I am here, I am living, and I am not denying anything.”

I am asking you to trust and I am asking you, in that joyful vulnerability, to embrace it ALL!

BE Who You Are!

G&A: Dear Father, we are deeply moved by your love and wisdom and your being present with us and for us, so thank you, thank you, thank you.

Y: You are so welcome. Turn to me! I do not wish to be an absentee male. [Chuckling]

Go with my love and go in the spirit of rebirth.


Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn