And embrace the decisions, the choices that you make each and every day, each and every moment. And I do not just mean of sexuality and physicality, but the beauty – the beauty of who you are and the beauty of others.

Yahweh ~ Embrace The Totality Of Who You Are! (Part 1/2)

This beautiful Channelled Gem is lovingly shared with All from a personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I AM Yahweh. And yes, of course, we all come in attendance to both of you and to all of you who gather in this way with questions of the heart, questions of the soul, questions of the body, questions of the mind. And I come to you as Beloved Father. I come to you, G, as Father and I speak to you as son – a son that is so deeply cherished and admired and held in the bosom of our family.

Do not deny yourself! You are ancient, both of you, and you are multidimensional, and you travel throughout time and space – and yes, of course, in this time of the unfoldment of our Plan, you occupy a time and space.

But do not, please, limit yourself in ways to consider the brilliance, both of you, of who you are and what you bring to this planet and to this time of expansion of what it means to be on Earth, what it means to be human, what it means to be in our family business, what it means to be family, and husband and wife, and masculine and feminine because none – none! – who occupy the space of physicality are simply so rigid that you are this or that. You are so much more!

And as my family, I ask you, I guide you, I beg you: Embrace the totality of who you are! And embrace the decisions, the choices that you make each and every day, each and every moment. And I do not just mean of sexuality and physicality, but the beauty – the beauty of who you are and the beauty of others. It is not intended that you only have or tend to see beauty in one another or in yourself. That would be a denial of the creation.

You are both so beautiful, and you are filled with grace and you live in grace.

Now one of the things – and this has come in waves – that you are being encouraged, helped, strongly helped with is to be in this form, in your body. Yes, you are all over the Universe – and you are in, as intended, these sacred forms.

You do not look at your children and predefine, insist that they be this or that. You do not look at a dog and say, “Why can you not be a camel?” You do not look at a flower and say, “Why can you not be a tree?” because you know the unity of all things. And in that, my children, I ask of you, in the unity of who you are as ancient and future beings in your body, in this time: Embrace all the aspects. Embrace all the aspects of who you are!

If you are yearning, first of all, it is a good thing because I have never guided you, the Mother has never guided you, Yeshua has never suggested to you that now you will simply place aside physicality, sexuality, intimacy. No! This is not chapters, it is an entire book!

And so it is healthy, it is your God-given right, to desire physical intimacy. And beloveds, that means employing, embracing your bodies, embracing the truth of what gives you joy, what gives you pleasure – what does not, because not all touch, not all interaction, is welcome. Is it a potentiality in the field? Of course it is. These are moment-to-moment, year-to-year, decade-to-decade, lifetime-to-lifetime choices.

Now, I would dare say you two have travelled far too often together to somehow deny that there is an attraction, and there is a soul bond, and there is a physical bond. And I am encouraging you, I am supporting you as your Father – the Mother and I – to reignite. You are not dead! (Laughter]

Reignite the passion! And sometimes it is a wildfire and sometimes it is the quietest, gentlest touch, a look, a smile. It is all of this. It is everything!

Now, G, you have engaged masculine to masculine – actually boy to boy – and it has been pleasurable, it has been exciting, it has been discovery, it has been exploration. And in your societies at that time, and in that phase of coming to the recognition of your physicality, your sexuality, then somehow you have judged this – and yes, I might say erroneously – as something bad, as something even needing to be hidden, to be pushed away, to be denied, or even forgiven. I tell you, “No, it is part of discovery.”

Have you been seduced? Yes, but you have been seduced because you have been curious. You were in a young body discovering pleasure, the physical pleasure. It would be sad – and I do not mean in Gabrielle’s meaning of pathetic – I mean it would be sad if you, either one of you, were not able to look at another and see attraction.

Now let me even explain this. On the sacred level, you look at another and you see the sanctity, the grace, the spirit in another. And you recognise it. That is the gift of being in a collective, in a society, in a community. That is the way we have created and co-created with you in this realm.

So to be able to look at another and say, “In physicality, you are beautiful, you are attractive. I see this. I honour this. No, I am not acting on some grand passion, but that does not mean I do not feel, I do not sense.” Because what you are doing, my beloved children, when you do that and you see that – whether it is the spirit, the body, the personality, because sometimes you think, “Oh, that person is very unattractive, but their personality, their spirit is lovely,” – you are looking at yourself and you are looking at each other!

These mirrors are presented so that the beauty, the variety that we have given you can be appreciated. And you have your senses. And even if you did not, if you were blind, you would feel, you would perceive differently. When you are deaf, you will see and you will perceive differently.

But the point I wish to make to you and to both of you is that we have given you our trust, our gift of free will. We did not write the script and say, “Alright, you, G, will be gay/bisexual/unisexual.” No. Every minute of this journey is about you exercising your free will choices.

There have been such strictures, restrictions, placed upon various societies and you see them, and it has caused great chaos and distortion about how one treats a masculine or a feminine, a man or a woman. And you, sweet angels, have come into a society, not where you are wearing burkas, but where you are free to engage.

So the question I pose to you as my family is: “How do you wish to engage?” I do not foresee or recommend that you dissolve this Sacred Union partnership. If that was your choice, we would all support you. And it would break your hearts. It would break your spirits. It would destroy what you have built, not that it would not still continue on, but you would feel, both of you, that you had lost something so precious, so dear.

So our guidance is not to separate and go different ways, but rather to come together yet again with a flexibility – wide field – of how you wish to engage. And yes, it does entail, not the honouring of the Sacred Union; that is there and it is deep. It engages by giving each other permission to express and to ask – not to demand – but to ask for what you want.

And neither one of you, please, you are not seeking permission or forgiveness. It is not so. You have chosen not only each other, you have chosen what you have created and what you continue to create. And I do not just mean the family. I mean in every aspect. You are not hard people. You do not keep a false facade about what you see or feel. For this we are grateful. It’s not about pretending; there is enough pretending in your world. We need genuine.

You can both explore. No, I’m not suggesting that you are exploring outside your marriage. The reason why is the pain it would cause each of you. And I do not mean this insofar as one of your actions would give pain to the other. I mean within your own design and fabric and framework, you would – not that it is recommended – you would fall into blame and shame of yourself, and that is the last thing… We are in a process where we are eliminating guilt and blame and shame and all of this, so of course we are not asking you to engage in something that would bring this up in you.

You have been stalwart. You have worked in eliminating these false, false, awful grids. Do not fall back. Fall forward! Fall into each other’s arms in whatever way you choose. And then you cooperate and you do it in the way that your partner chooses.

And there is nothing we created… just this planet with Gi’Anna, we created a place with so much variety in which to explore and see what creation looks like. We are not saying that there are only two or three ways in which you can explore your intimacy. It is infinite. And be practical. Employ your bodies. Employ your emotional bodies. Employ your joy bodies!

You are on track. And yes, this particular reading with this lady, who is very well meaning, has brought to the forefront some unresolved questions within you, beloved son. And it is time, not to forgive/forget/ignore, but to embrace everything! Everything, because it does not need forgiveness.

When you have lusted… and I use that word… when you have lusted after a young woman, you did not say, “Oh, no!” Yes, you put her on a pedestal, but you did not criticise yourself for having the feelings of desire. You are built that way. It is not the feelings. It is what you are doing with that free will choice of how to express.

Do not deny your sacred self! That is why I come in the masculine. Seldom do I speak, and seldom do I give family advice, but this is too important. And you are both too loved.

Son, sometimes – and you know I am with you – you have these ideas, emotions, about what a man is supposed to be. Do you think that when we designed with you, that it was not in perfect divine perfection? The old paradigms have no place. You are the composite. Take it from me! For far too long, I was known as a thundering god, a punisher, a distant patriarch. None of that was true, but that was what men wanted to think and believe.

A male without the balance of the feminine, why would you ever, why would we ever exclude the Mother? And similarly, with a woman, the strength, the wisdom? The design is for the blending. And what you will see, and what you will have been noticing, is that those strict divisions do not serve. They are fading, and they have need to fade.

There has need to be room for everything! Embrace yourself.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn