“Yes, it is critical that you not only remember but implement your promises to one another, but also to yourself, and my promise to you to journey with you – not above, not below, but beside.”

HEART CALL ~ March 2025

The Magdalena ~ Sacred Promises of Love

Greetings, I AM the Magdalena. I am friend, I am ally, I am sister, I am mother, and sometimes even brother, and I welcome you. I welcome you, beloveds! And yes, I welcome you on behalf of Yeshua and I. I welcome you on behalf of our family, I welcome you on behalf of the Mother, and I embrace you.

It is true that there is so much that I wish to convey to thee: the reminders, the joy, the laughter – not the misery, not the challenges, but the sweetness – and the sweetness of our promises to one another, my promises to you, your promises to me, and all of our promises. Yes, in and out of time, but also in this time – in this time that you have chosen to come forth, yes, as the agents of our Mother, as the agents of our Father, as the Angels of Change, as the Bravehearts. There are so many titles that have been bestowed upon you over time, but mine is Sweetest Hearts!

Beloved friends, I walk with you. I am one who never assumes that I place myself in the realm of the Divine, or the mastery, the Keeper of Laws because always my promise to each of you has always been that I will accompany you through thick and thin, good and bad, hard and easy because, really, what is the difference? If you are fortunate enough to be on the planet, in form, do you remember what a trusted honour that is, what a sacred undertaking it is, what a privilege it is, even in the hardest walk?

Yes, you have been chosen, but you have been self-selected as well. We all have. And when we gathered as family, as circle, as One, and we said to each other, “I will go if you will go. If I get off-track, please come and remind me who I am. If I am lonely and desolate and crying, please come and comfort me. And if I am celebrating the birth of my child, come and join in the jubilation. And when it is quiet in the early morning or the twilight of day, let us sit together. We do not need to talk for our hearts are united, our hearts speak to one another.”

That is what Heart Listening is. It is about the innate capacity for your heart to speak and your heart to listen.

It is not only curious, it is untrue when any being says, “I don’t understand, I don’t know what you are talking about.” Yeshi and I had a joke about that! [Chuckling] And sometimes, when we didn’t want to venture into that discussion or topic, we would say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” and we would look at each other and we would laugh because we knew exactly what our hearts were saying to one another. [Laughing]

It did not enter into our union to criticise or critique one another, because when you see and when you accept, embrace and implement what your soul promise is to one another, it eliminates all that frivolous discussion. And let me suggest to you, yes, within this circle, you are united in heart and I am united in heart with thee. But you are also in soul promises – not obligations – sacred promises of love to angels in form, human beings, regardless of race, colour, creed, leanings, it matters not, all over the world.

And you say, “How can that be? How could I have [made] billions of promises?” And I say to you, “How could you not?” You have lived on and off planet forever! You are the incarnation, and many of you the repeats, of the original Creator Race. Of course, you have [made] promises – and yes, those promises do change.

And what is the promise of Now? What is the promise that you have made in the NEW – the Mother’s Never Ending Wonderful?  Well, I can tell you it is not about pain and suffering. It is not about being beaten, put on a cross, or losing your child. It is not about going hungry or living cold under a bridge or in the rubble. It is about tending to one another, even when you never meet or think that in the physical form you are not meeting.

You are all night travellers, journeyers, workers, and I dare say there are very few people upon the planet you haven’t met or groups you haven’t encountered. Not only because you feel or think you are simpatico, but because you know and love one another. You have that expression ‘warts and all’, including what you feel are your warts!

You are so beautiful. You are so sacred. You are my family. Yes, some of you have been my family; you have been Essene with me; you have been part of the Mother’s family, Yeshua’s family, blue tribe, magenta tribe. We are family!

And you say to me, “Well, I don’t really get along with my family.” Believe you me, I have had my differences throughout many lifetimes with families, and regardless, they are precious. They are the gift. They are the promises you made. And the more friction, the more distance there is, the greater the need – not just from the Mother/Father but from you, from your core, and to each other – to bridge the gap, and to embrace each other, and to remember you are not just trying to be in unity.

The challenge is neutrality, but the fact of the matter is Unity. You do not need to try, it is a fact! What you are doing is accepting it, embodying it, living it. It is time! The Mother has expressed her promise to all of us, above and below, that the humans will be part of Nova Earth. Now the kingdoms, Gaia, Gi’Anna are all in alignment, and so are you.

And so I also remind you and I offer you my humble assistance. Yes, it is critical that you not only remember but implement your promises to one another, but also to yourself, and my promise to you to journey with you – not above, not below, but beside.

The reminder of the honour of being one of the Mother’s angels in form, it is a gift and it is a privilege. So come and sit with me. Scream at me. Don’t say a word. Let me embrace you and remind you who you really are because, sweet ones, it is time.

The Cities of Light await. You are already there. You are not a child saying, “Are we almost there?” You are already there!

The next step is to embrace the Joy that Unity brings – and we do it together, hand-in-hand, yes, but heart-to-heart-to-heart.

You don’t only go with my love. Take my declaration that I make very personally and that I do for All. I love you. I love YOU.


Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn