I am asking you to come and sit in the garden with me. We can plant a few flowers, talk to the birds, and celebrate!
SPRING EQUINOX 2025 Webinar ~ 20 March 2025
Archangel Michael’s Spring Equinox 2025 Invitation
Opening Prayer:
Divine Father/Mother/God, all Angels and Archangels of Love and Light, Ascended Masters, Beloved Saints, Wise Prophets, Enlightened Beings, beings of sheer energy, ancient ancestors, Star Brothers and Sisters, and Council of Love ~
We are your loving companions, brothers, sisters, and co-creators of Nova Earth. We are the Ancient Ones and we do return. We are Bringers of the Future, Anchors of the Now.
We come together this day, heart to heart to heart:
to be the physical manifestation of our Mother/Father’s Plan; to be the physical manifestation of the truth of who we are; to be the pathfinders, the wayshowers, the guardians of the New;
to anchor in our hearts, our minds, our bodies, the truth of why we are here, and to translate that truth into tangible, material experience;
to eradicate, to erase – yes, with the help of Sanat Kumara – to eliminate divisiveness, hatred, greed, death, disease, separation, isolation, the epidemic of loneliness, and to come together genuinely, completely, honestly, authentically, heart to heart to heart;
and to be the truth, the might, the power, the gentleness, the kindness, the compassion of who we really are, individually and collectively;
and in that united power, in that Unified Field of One,
to be the anchors of heart, of love, of consciousness,
to speak and to be the words that activate the hearts of ALL humanity.
We joyfully accept all the assistance from our Star Family, from the Company of Heaven, from the Council of Love. But we also claim and recognise our responsibility, as the Mother’s boots on the ground, to step forth in the Unity of Love, in the Heart Consciousness of One, and to be the actual fulfilment of the promise, and the promise that we have made to ourselves, to be the radiant fulfilment of who we truly are, each of us glorious, individuated, and yet connected, balanced, as One.
We proceed with clarity, with the full dignity of our Divine Authority, with the joyful assumption of our power to create and to co-create not only miracles of joy but community, to participate in the Cities of Light, to heal the sick and the sick of heart, to anchor calm, serenity, and to be the bravehearts that we truly are.
Dear Mother/Father/God/All, we thank you for this privilege. We thank you for bringing us together in this Unity of One right now, here on planet, heart to heart to heart.
In this we join our hearts and pray, Amen.
* * *
Archangel Michael ~ I Invite You To Come And Sit In The Garden With Me!
Greetings, I AM Michael, Archangel of Love, Warrior of Peace, Gardener of Peace, Brother of Blue.
The time has come and gone when I have sat and spoken and pleaded with you to lay down your arms. And whether those have been defensive behaviours, withdrawal, denial – a denial of your sovereignty, a denial of your brilliance – that time is over.
I never came to wage war. I came, I come, and I will come throughout eternity to wage peace, to wage harmony, to wage unity, connectedness, and balance because then I can go on sabbatical and return to my painting and music! And I will invite you to come with me because the beauty that remains not only to be created but to be revealed, both within and without, above and below – there is so much.
Think of it – and just think of it in terms of your beloved galaxy or your beloved Gaia, our beloved Gaia. If you have a small patch of grass or a favourite seat in a park, and you go there and you absorb and share your heart, your beauty, your words, casual conversation – whether it is with a Star brother, a human being, a dog, a cat, a blade of grass – these are works of beauty and they need to be held and cherished as such.
But then, as you sit there on your tiny patch of grass, I invite you to come and explore – yes, both within and without – but explore this magnificent planet, Gi’Anna, that has been waiting and waiting and waiting for you. Oh, she is not sat in the dark, in the closet, shoved in the drawers as the channel mentioned. [Chuckling] She’s been activated and preparing the way for the full integration of all the species, of which humanity, this humanoid collective, is invited, treasured, loved.
Now, how do we do this? What do I come to remind you of this day?
Well, yes, the beauty of the skies I paint, the music of the rain, the power of the wind. Beloveds, I come to remind you I do not care if you are gold or purple or red or chartreuse, whether you are neon or ochre. You are a warrior of peace. You are a creator of love. You are the vessel – you are the vessel that the Mother has imbued her Divine Radiance into that you may harmonise with everything!
So where is the harmony? Where is the peace? If you are under any impression or delusion that we sit in heaven and love to hear people yelling and bickering, you are incorrect. It is an anathema! It is a complete denial of your divinity. And it is a denial not only of your promise, your mission with the Mother and Father, but with each other and with your sacred self.
This cannot be. Not because you are not powerful enough to create total mayhem. You have proven that time and again. It cannot be because it is a fundamental denial/betrayal of who you are – of the beauty, the might, the co-creative power of who you are.
None of you turned to me, to your guides and guardians, and said, “Let me go and see how much misery I can create. Let me go and see how much disturbance….” No! That is not who you are. It never has been. And that is why, as you have endured… and you have endured… you are the Mother’s bravehearts upon the planet, you are the pathfinders, you are the showers of the way.
And you have moved. You are interdimensional. You are not of this dimension or that dimension. Yes, you all like a different home base. You are interdimensional and in that, you are the co-creators of Nova Earth – and Nova Earth is a Planet of Peace, a Planet of Love, and a Planet of Unity.
So once again during this time of spring, of rebirth – and it doesn’t matter whether it’s December or July; I am speaking about your time and our time right now – we expand your capacities to truly be more fully available to speak, to live, to understand, yes, Saedor, which is nothing more than heart-speaking and heart-listening.
It is how we communicate. It is not some lost language. It is how we speak together, you and I. The yearning, the quotient of yearning upon this beautiful Gi’Anna, the yearning for the NEW is undeniable and it is a matter of saying “yes” – and you have said “yes” repeatedly.
So now, what happens? I invite you to come and sit in the garden with me!
Long ago, I have given you not only my sword and shield but my trowel, my spade, that you may plant the NEW – yes, in the ground, but also in each other’s hearts – to be the veracity, to be the fulfilment, to be the wonder of who you are, to be the beauty of who you are.
So I am not telling you, I am not asking you, we are not asking you to become workers, to get down to work. No. I am asking you to come and sit in the garden with me. We can plant a few flowers, talk to the birds, and celebrate!
Celebrate Nova Earth and your expanded awareness, your expanded understanding, yes, but power!
Thank you. Thank you, beloveds.
I step aside for another who truly wishes and does not wish to be refused. [Chuckling]
Channelled by Linda Dillon
Transcribed by Ellen Nairn