Valdar ~ Massive Change is Already Underway

This wonderfully uplifting Channelled Gem is lovingly shared by Andrew from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Valdar.

Andrew: Oh, greetings, Valdar.

Welcome, beloved brother of Light, beloved brother of Love. And welcome to this Council. Welcome to this meeting. Welcome to this time of renewal. Welcome, welcome, welcome!

And yes, it is time of the deep surrender of struggle, of difficulty, of challenge, and truly a deep embrace and an inhabitation of the Mother’s New Normal, for the old is no longer, and even the memory of this fades rapidly.

Yes, there are many who continue to cling to the illusion/delusion of what they have known. It is a most curious situation for they cling to the old, to the familiar, to what they are aware of, while begging, pleading, praying for the new, for the breakthrough. And it is a curious thing because they do not step into what they desire and what the Mother is quite literally laying out directly in front of everybody.

Yes, some do have clearer vision like you, dear heart, of what is truly being offered, what is truly on the table – and it is only a fraction of what is truly on the table.  But it is more than enough to attract others away from what hurts, what is tedious, what is destructive, what is painful. You and I have travelled the Universe forever, and you know and we have spoken of many forays in other Galaxies, Sirius, Elektra, Atlantis, you name it, and always at that juncture we have commented, wondering: “What are people waiting for? What are they hesitating for?”

Now, we know the nature of uncertainty – and yes, there will be great discussion on that – but uncertainty and the spectrum to certainty is part of the realm of existence. What does uncertainty mean other than there is more to discover, more to experience, more to enjoy, and yes, a pathway sometimes to avoid?

But I do not come to simply speak of the collective and the collective situation. I come to speak to your heart as brother, as ally, as friend, and to hold you, to soothe you, to encourage you, and yes, to say, “Do not give up for truly the changes are already underway.” Again, it is curious how little the collective is really paying attention to  this. It matters not, you know. It matters not.

All humans have had a day when they woke up and it was either sunny or cloudy or stormy or hot and they went about their business, and then the night fell and they said, “I don’t know where the day went, it just flew by!” But the day, the movement of the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, they do not wait for people to agree that this is going to happen. No!

It simply is the unfoldment of the day and of the pattern that the Mother has designed and Gi’Anna actually implements along with her brothers and sisters of the other planetary systems. It is not dependent on human agreement or approval. This egoic belief that so many humans have had that they are somehow in charge of everything is beyond ridiculous and absurd.

Now, the creative power, the co-creative power of the individual, as you well know, and of the collective is monumental. It is massive. And that literal co-creative energy is far too often ignored in favour of the personal egoic belief systems – and that is what is dying. That is what is passing from this planet and from this collective because there is no longer any room.

And they are awakening to the fact that it is not either/or. It is the creation of something entirely different, and you, beloved brother, are part and parcel and involved, not only on an esoteric basis but on a very practical basis, in those changes that influence and permeate the human collective to really claim their divine right, their Divine Inheritance, to open the lens of what is possible instead of shrinking it to what they desire in a very material way.

Humans far too often have forgotten that they are angels in form, and that truly is what the awakening is about. It is the remembering, it is the re-anchoring, it is the re-embrace of the truth of who you all are. Now you know this. This is not something you simply grasp onto. That is how you have survived – and yes, under very difficult circumstances.

So simply know that there is this massive change already underway, beloved one, and the relief that you are seeking is also right there.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn