“One of the largest gifts of this shift is indeed the cleansing and the rebalancing of all the elements, of all of nature, of all of the collective – of which the humans are simply a part!”

Valdar ~ Fly-bys, Disclosure, and the Balance of All Things

Another wonderful Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Andrew from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Andrew: There have been a lot of sightings of what people keep calling ‘drones’, but what I would suggest are probably scout craft as part of perhaps imminent Disclosure. Any comments?

Valdar:  Yes, Disclosure, as you think of it, is very close. You know, it is so curious because there are so many fly-bys. There is so much activity, all of which [chuckling] is almost uniformly denied. It is becoming to the point that it is undeniable – and why would one want to anyway? But that is a human condition because of the feeling of supremacy and the insecurity of one’s supremacy on the planet.

Human beings are the only ones inhabiting not only Gaia but the Galaxy and far beyond that actually believe that they are supreme, that they are somehow above or in charge of – which is even more absurd – the rocks, the trees, the earth, the air, the wind…. It is incomprehensible!

All of Gaia and all the kingdoms are sentient, some in a longer timewave, some in a more highly electric frequency. But to assume that there is not sentience and pathways – purpose – is ridiculous.

So think of it in terms of the human behaviours that have expressed of one person wanting to be in charge of what another person does. And then, when you magnify that to an entire planetary system, it is dumbfounding.  And so, of course, the kingdoms – and we use that word very broadly – are expressing their own power and role, and that will only continue to increase.

Much of the ancient ways of what you think of as the Keepers of Gaia and the Keepers of the Council Fire of Gaia are returning. The original tribes, the aboriginal tribes, are the keepers of this wisdom and that will be – and already is – re-emerging, not in a tribal sense, but in a sense of wisdom that needs to be shared.

For when we say that Balance is one of the Keys to Heaven, it is the balance of all things. Humans tend to think, “Oh, if I’m in balance with myself or with my neighbour, then it is taken care of,” – and sweet one, that is only the starting point!

A: Right. Yes, it’s a shame that, as you say, the humans on this planet don’t recognise the sentience of all the other kingdoms and have done so much to despoil everything… pollution of the atmosphere, the land, the seas, the rivers, everything! I just look forward to being able to assist with clearing all this up in due course.

V: One of the largest gifts of this shift is indeed the cleansing and the rebalancing of all the elements, of all of nature, of all of the collective – of which the humans are simply a part!

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn

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