Ever since we created the Channelled Gems in 2016, intended to share excerpts and treasures of universal interest from personal readings with Linda and the Council, I’ve been hesitant at times over how much to post or not to post of the more personal bits so often intricately interwoven within the guidance, wisdom & insights we so dearly wish to share. My beloved guardian angel, Belle’Anna, recently reassured me, as I hope you too, thus:

“It is important for people, and particularly the people that come to this ‘situation’ [Council of Love website & Facebook community], to understand the deep friendships, the journeys, the travels, the trials and tribulations, the wins, the joys, the successes that have been shared. Yeshua and Maitreya are not distant, quite the contrary. So yes, beloved, share… by all means, share!”

Thus, as one heart, we share the Gems that follow from our beloved Yeshua and Maitreya, amongst the many others.

EnJOY! Ellen xxx

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Yeshua ~ The Importance Of The Physical In The Unfoldment Of The New Day

This Gem is shared in love by Ellen from her reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi, I am brother, I am friend, I am ally – and yes, I walk across the sands of time, the oceans, to begin this day and to embrace you this day, and beloved one, to thank you.

And yes, you and the channel have spoken about how, in some facets, you are fortunate to be positioned in a Western world, and that is so. But it is also important for you to know – and yes, to give credit – that you are anchored in this realm, yes, because you are that infamous and famous Welcoming Committee!

You do occupy different areas of the weaving of the portrait, of the matrix. And it is that you can be open, available, and free enough to truly not only consider the expansions but to comprehend them, to comprehend the unfoldment – yes, even when it is unknowable – and to welcome it with all the areas that are known and all the areas that are hidden because, truly, even when you think that you are working in this galactic reference or in this planetary matrix, the Mother’s Omniverse is so massive.

And it is not that you are not capable, and that in fact you do comprehend and understand what is occurring on Xeres or elsewhere, but it does not occupy your attention front and centre because you have chosen – we have asked and you have chosen – and together we situate you on this planet, yes, that is pivotal to the unfoldment of the human race, but really that is pivotal to the unfoldment of our Mother’s Plan and the ripple effect throughout the multiple Galaxies and the Omniverse.

It is not that I suggest to you that you sit there and reflect upon this, but what I do say is that the magnitude of what is transpiring right now upon this beautiful Gi’Anna, and within your own sacred heart, is monumental.

Now you have said to me already in your mind and in your heart, “Yeshi, I love you profusely, but why are you here when I in fact have not been dreaming with my beloved Playd’or or even sacred Belle’Anna?”

The importance – and the channel will also reinforce this – the importance… the critical nature, if I can put it that way… of being anchored deeply upon and within Gaia and within the realm of the human experience is fundamental at this moment.

Now the both of you often tend to treat or to perceive the human experience in what you think of as current time as really tangential [chuckling] – and in so many ways, my beloved sister, it is! – but in terms of anchoring our beloved Mother’s Reset, of really anchoring her Never Ending Wonderful, it is necessary, in a physical reality, in a physical manner, to be in the human realm, anchored on Earth.

You know, and I most certainly know, that I have transversed this planet and many Galaxies for eons and eons and eons – yes, since The Beginning – but there have been times when I have come in physicality, as many of us have, to be physically present because in the physical presence and in the physical unfoldment is the unfoldment – is the ability for the massive shift of consciousness, of Heart Consciousness, to be anchored – and for this, there is need for the physical experience to be front and centre.

Now yes, beloved sister, you have continued to spend time on ship, and elsewhere, but I remind you – we all remind you – and we remind both of you: the Plan is for the family to be on Earth. You are not boarding either the Bezeeda, or the Neptune, or any other ship in the Fleet to leave. It is about coming and being in this incredibly diverse beauty and experience of Gi’Anna.

Now, is she also, shall we say, clearing the decks, washing away, firing away much of the detritus that has need to be removed? Not ever in a way that is vengeful or of punishment; that is ridiculous. But in ways that will refresh and renew?

You, my beloved, my xxx [soul name], you know what it is to be in the cleansing; that is what you have felt when you have said you felt so low. And there is a sense that the floods have certainly in some ways left you feeling devastated. But also you have felt and are feeling the dawning, the promise, of the New Day!

It is not disaster, it is not Armageddon; that is a human fixation. And yes, you will stay. And yes, beloved, you will give permission to all who choose to leave – as difficult as that can be, as heartrending as that can be – knowing that there is only continuity and that every ending is a beginning, like a refresh.

It is difficult – and I know whereof I speak; to say “it is difficult” is to put it mildly – it is difficult to say goodbye to what you love, I know, and it is even difficult to say goodbye to what you know, even when that knowing has been utter chaos.

So yes, it is a New Day, and once again I ask you to walk with me, to sit with me, to sail with me! [Chuckling]. We will travel throughout the Galaxies, but first we will travel Gaia for her beauty!

You know, her beauty… not just her sacrifice or her soul… her beauty deserves recognition. And yes, there are many moments… moments… of beauty and awe, but it deserves more. That is why you will have various ‘locations’, shall I say, where you will choose to alight. No, it is not the Plan that you live as some kind of vagabond or traveller; you’ve travelled far enough! But the beauty of Gaia calls you.

And so it is imperative – imperative! – that you know the places of beauty, that you know the places of refuge, of quiet, of wildness, and yes, the places in the Cities of Light where people gather and community celebrates. Whether it is in the city square or around a table, it matters not. Humans, this hybrid collective, is coming to more fully know – know! – and embrace what your family, your Galactic and Intergalactic family, has travelled and travelled and supported and defended for a very long time.

Now, why do I speak of all of this? Because, yes, you have endured. But you have also known, with me, the excitement when we reached a new place; when we embraced new/old friends; when we honoured and prayed and did ceremony in the ancient places; when we buried and placed the codes as signposts for the future. You know this, and you have lived through this before, and you are and you will live through this again.

This clearing – yes, which is monumental – but it is also just a blip on the screen. No, it is not to be dismissive or decry the energies that have been extraordinarily intense, because the push is on! There is no time in the Mother’s Unfoldment… there is no delay button… there is no pause button. It is done! And I for one am very joyful and I invite you, my dear friend, to join me in that joy, in that thanksgiving, in that gratitude, in that excitement, and in that new life.

I am with you as you step forward… no, not as a singular human being on a planet of devastation, but as my friend, with your family, your whole family, as we progress not only into the New but into the New Story. I love you.

E: And I love you. Thank you, beloved, for comforting me like only you can…

Y: And thank you, for there have been many times when you have comforted me and my beloved Magdalena.

E: Yes… I miss her… we haven’t spoken for a while in this way…

Y: You will! I step aside, sweet one…

E: …but never away!

Y: Never away!

E: I love you so.

Y: Farewell.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn