You also are entitled, it is your birthright, it is your Divine Inheritance to have your sacred space. It is what you deserve, it is what you need, and it will be!
Yeshua ~ Home Is Where The Heart Is!
Another beautiful Channelled Gem shared in love by Ellen from her reading with Linda Dillon.
Greetings, I am Jesus, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi, I am Jesus Sananda, and welcome to you, sweet sister, beloved friend of my heart, of our soul, of existence.
It is funny, is it not, that we begin with the smallest seed, the tiniest kernel, and then we travel out, not just through all the kingdoms, all these people, the planet, the Galaxy, out into the Universes, out into the Multiverse, the Omniverse. Still, it is so much like an in-breath/out-breath.
And as you know and are fully realising, practicing and comprehending, it is simple – and yes, of course, complex – but the complexity doesn’t need to be scientifically dissected. It doesn’t need to be mentally always understood. Of course, there is a role for that, and it belongs to many throughout the Galaxies… Einstein, yes, being one who continues the work!… but it is as simple as breathing.
It is a curiosity – and this is why I’m mentioning it – when humans, as they are awakening, “Yes, I know, I have been at this for thousands and millions of years,” but they say, “Well, I am not connected to that. Oh, I am not connected to the Outer Galaxies; I am not connected to the ancient wisdom or the temples; I am not connected to the people in Biafra or Africa. I am not connected.” And they define, and too often too rigidly, what they feel or believe or want or wish they were connected to.
Now, yes, some of that is human nature and preference, and I do not in any way deny that there are some that I care for more than others. But I know the connections are infinite, and it is curious when that level of denial, almost of repudiation, is present.
Now the individual who does that often believes they are defining their boundaries and their sacred space and who they are, but in so many ways it is the repudiation, the rejection, of Unity. And it is not merely Unity with others, whether the other is a Galaxy or a grain of sand. It is a denial of self. It is putting oneself in such a restricted and constricted container that it limits mobility, limits creativity, and actually limits choices and decisions. It is curious.
Now, one of the reasons I speak to you of this, my beloved sister and friend, is you don’t do that. You don’t repudiate, you don’t reject, and yes, of course, you have been part of the Delegations for a very long time! [Chuckling]. And you’ve had the physical experience, of course, on this planet, in this life, of being part consciously of the Delegations as well. But that is but a minor reflection of who you are.
It is always something that makes us all smile when you say to Playd’or that you do not want to be front and centre, whether in a negotiation or on stage. It is curious because it is what you have done your entire existence! You have always been one who said, “Let’s go somewhere else and see what’s over there, and bring some good news and some good moods, and some good food and some good cheer, and friendship and heart connection.” You have never said, you have never rejected, the outer boundaries.
So when we have said to thee, when we have talked about the Sanctuary and it being a gathering place, most certainly during this time of physically grounding the energy on beloved Gi’Anna, it is part of the construct, the sacred nature of being, not just of humans but particularly of humans, because the Mother created this planet, Gi’Anna volunteered, as a place to be physically expressing and experiencing Love. And that means being grounded!
There is no being, whether a caterpillar in their chrysalis or a mother sitting on her eggs, not one being that does not want to feel that they have a home. And I mean that in a physical place… yes, of course, a planetary/galactic place… but let us take the in-breath to home. Home is a sanctuary, and far too often that has been forgotten. It has been ripped away from people; it has been invaded and abused. But there is not one soul of any species or kingdom that does not want a home – that does not instinctively, as part of their construct, want a home.
And home is sanctuary. It is that place… and it is intended to be the place, of course, of family, and I don’t mean simply biological… it is the place of gathering, it is the place of safety and protection, of not having undue demands upon you, where you can share your heart, your bread, your wine, and not be concerned.
So when we have spoken of the Sanctuary – and yes, it will include your animals – but when we speak of this, it does not have the purpose of excluding, shall we say, ‘outsiders’. It is simply the honouring of the need for sacred space. And in that, in that honouring of sacred space, you are also saying to every being, every creature: “You also are entitled, it is your birthright, it is your Divine Inheritance to have your sacred space. It is what you deserve, it is what you need, and it will be!”
Now that does not mean that there are not other homes that are less of refuge – the places where you do gather, where you do exchange ideas and energy and laughter. Think of it this way. Think of the migrations. Oh, there are so many. Most species have migratory patterns. But think of it in this way, just in the simplest way, north to south, where they go to nest, to mate, to raise their young – and then they bring them to the other home where they get to fly and grow strong and explore. And the cycle of life continues. So, of course, you can have more than one home base and the recognition of that need and the deservingness.
When you think of physical construction… we have to chuckle at that!… according to current forms of construction and building, it’s not to critique it but it is rather archaic and primitive. Yes, there have been many advances since the caves! But also, there have been times when the caves have been far more homey, far more of a sanctuary, than what people have created and called their homes.
Far too often, because of a lack of reverence and respect for one another, and for oneself, the sanctity of home has been forgotten and we will be re-anchoring this. One of the terrible things – and there are many – to come out of current wars, whether it be in Ukraine, Sudan, or Gaza… the list could go on… is not only the physical destruction of homes, it is the tearing away and the tearing apart of families. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a small apartment, a patch of land, or a mansion. To tear away that sense of “this is my anchor, this is my safe space, this is where I am in union with my beloveds,” is, in so many ways, dastardly and cruel.
Yes, out of this comes the need for great forgiveness and rebuilding, and that certainly is where the Halion Engineers and Star Technology will be so useful. Not only in clearing the rubble – and I mean the rubble of people’s hearts as well – but in the construction of new homes, places for family to be, and sanctuaries. That is the gift of the Cities of Light. It is because the entire city – and when I say city, I mean city-state – has become a home and the energy that defines a home is present. And that does not mean that within the cities there are not little homes, because there are.
Now the reason I say this, Ellen, is because even as you travelled to the distant galaxies and planets, you have always known and understood the meaning of home and the necessity for a home. And whether it is in Belgium, Chile, Scotland or Africa, you understand, and a great deal of what you will be doing and assisting with is re-establishing the sanctity of home.
Now, you say this is such a massive undertaking. And of course, none of us do this singularly; that would defeat the purpose. This is a united Unity/Community effort. It does not, it cannot, it will not succeed on the labours of one or a small group. Is it a massive reconstruction? Yes. And is it beautiful? The answer is yes. But sweet one, you have even said to the channel, both of you, your focus has always been the big picture. You are the pathfinders. You are the wayshowers. What does that mean? You run ahead! And you already have the vision, and that is what you are doing, and that is what you are bringing.
And to both of you, I say that is but a part – part! – of why you are on planet because these changes have to come from, have to be part of, the human not only perspective but participation. It cannot be a ‘lay on’ from elsewhere. This is the human race taking responsibility for what they wish to create. Now, they have already demonstrated themselves as master creators of chaos! [Chuckling]. Now we proceed in a very different direction.
The other thing that you have the capacity to do – and you have proven that time and time again, yes, even as we have travelled forward and gone on our journeys of discovery – you have the ability… and this is why you say, “Well, we can go many places and have many homes.” Whether you have travelled to somewhere brand new or whether on Earth, on Galatea, or on CeeCeeCee, you can be there for 10 minutes, be staying for three days, and you make it your home. That is a sacred gift, and it is a gift that you share with others.
And in doing that, what you also often do is you gently, softly, demonstrably show to those around you that home does not need to be a 20-year project. It is a heart decision to connect with Gaia at that point on the grid, with the beings that live there, all the kingdoms, yes, so whether it is the trees, the sand, the dirt, the rocks, the four-leggeds… and yes, you will have your horses! You have a great deal of this equine energy and it makes you happy, so of course you will have your horses.
It is a different construct when the supposed ‘animals’ are seen as family, embraced as family, and treated as family. Now, in many ways, the animal kingdom has been the biggest teacher and the biggest holder of Unconditional Love on the planet. You have already known that for a long time, but that awareness and that connection will only grow.
So you are laying down the paradigms for the new tomorrow, which is today! In so many ways, sweet one, you are already there.
I step aside, yes, but before I do, do you have query for me?
E: I think we might share all of that, yes?
Y: If you choose to, yes!
E: Would you like to entitle it? Home…
Y: It would be very trite [laughing] but yes: Home Is Where The Heart Is!
E: That’s it exactly because you’ve lifted my heart so much! Thank you so much for sharing that. It was beautiful.
Y: Dearest friend, your family not only is with you but we will be with you. And yes, there has been great upheaval, and it certainly continues, but the anchoring of all these changes is much sooner than later.
So do not… do not lose heart. Do not doubt. You know what you know. Do not waver!
E: I love you, Yeshi, thank you.
Y: And I love you.
Channelled by Linda Dillon
Transcribed by Ellen Nairn