WINTER SOLSTICE 2024 with Jesus Sananda & the Divine Mother

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Angels and Archangels, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Stars, Ascended Masters, Wise Prophets, Beloved Saints, Enlightened Beings, and Council of Love, we come together today as sisters and brothers, as one team, as one circle, as one family of Nova Gaians. We open and offer ourselves as the wayshowers and anchors for the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan. We welcome the tidal wave of change, of opening, of new beginnings and shifts in the collective of humanity.

We stand here today on behalf of billions, literally, and we ask for your presence, your guidance, your protection, your Love and Light, and the full infusion of the Mother/Father’s Divine Radiance. We pray for the full awakening of our Diamond Selves and pray for the expansion of Clarity, Purity, Joy, and Love. We declare our intention for Peace on Earth, in Unity and Harmony with All.

Please guide us, each one of us, and as one Circle of Love, as we step forward in this sacred undertaking. Please sustain us, grant us patience and stamina, laughter and play, fortitude and endurance, compassion, attraction, and deep understanding. Please help us embrace, embody, and conjoin in Archangel Michael’s fun, fabulous, unshackled neutrality. Help us embrace our divine and human potential as the co-creators of Nova Earth.

We stand here, hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder, as the servants of the Mother, and we ask and we pray for your blessings for each and every one of us, and for all upon this sacred planet. Let this message, let this communique go forward and touch and open the hearts of every person upon Gaia and far beyond.

Amen, Amen, and Amen.

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Greetings, I am Yeshua, I am Jesus, I am Jesus Sananda, I am brother, I am friend, I am ally, and yes, guide, helpmate, and one who loves you deeply – one who has always loved you deeply throughout many Galaxies and many Universes.

We have walked and sometimes run, sometimes swum, and sometimes felt like we were drowning as we walked upon the water. And we have laughed. Our sense of humour, our sense of perspective – not just ours on this side, all of ours – and our deep abiding love of one another have sustained us throughout many ages. And that does not falter. It only grows.

And so yes, I come to you at this time of Winter Solstice, at this time when so many various cultures celebrate various forms of birth and rebirth. Of course, I come to offer you my hands and my heart, but I also come to encourage you. Yes, yet again! You are stepping into a period of change – change that you have not known on this planet and probably do not remember from many other forays.

But I also want to reflect to you, to congratulate you, each of you in your own way, on how well you have done in this year that comes to pass, 2024 – how you have practiced and embraced endurance and change, uncertainty most certainly, and how you have embraced each other.

There has been… and this is not a news flash!… such monumental chaos upon the planet, upon our beloved Gi’Anna. I do not need to elucidate the number. You are all, in your own way, fully aware – and fully aware of the emotions, the context, and the toll it has taken on you, your brothers and sisters, and upon the collective.

So in that, I say to you: Congratulations!

Not only are you still standing and breathing, some of you celebrating, some of you feeling completely defeated. And no, I do not simply speak of war or violence or politics. I am speaking of your heart. And as you have and are completing this shift into your Heart Consciousness, there have been challenges, and there has been a back and forth. You are not ever intended not to consult your brilliant brain, your knowing, and in that, I also include your Divine Knowing. And you have done so. And sometimes you have faltered and sometimes you haven’t.

The point is, my beloveds, you have done it! As the bravehearts, as the anchors of the Mother, as the volunteers – yes, boots on the ground – you have done it.

Each of you, in your desire to serve, in your desire to be the purity, the sacred nature of who you truly are and who we know you to be, has felt at times that you have not succeeded, that you have faltered, that you may have even failed, you were in despair, you were distraught, you were distracted. So what? I have never declared as I have walked the planet or some other planet that I have never faltered. It is part of the growth, expansion, and discovery.

There is so much to be discovered, to be expanded into. And yes, there are times when it is difficult because you think you finally have your hands, your arms, your brain, your heart around what is going on, and then it changes again. I know! And the fact is that you keep going, that you follow your heart, and that you follow what you believe and know is right and true for you. And it is slightly different for each and every one of you.

The biggest win, the greatest gift that you have given us, that you have rendered unto the Mother/Father/One and this entire Council is a deeper, fuller claiming and holding, living, of your Divine Authority. For far too long – and yes, even when I have walked the Earth – too many have looked externally to those they believe or trust, of course, in leadership positions to point the way. And that is the role of a leader, most certainly.

But you have embraced and appointed yourself as leader, as braveheart, as pathfinder, as wayshower, as portal, as welcomer. You have begun in the grassroots, from the bottom and the heart of Gaia up, to declare yourselves, your sovereignty, and your pathways, not dependent or incumbent upon others.

Much of what I have spoken of as I walked the planet was very unpopular, and some of it was very popular, and what I say is “So what?” Because I knew, as do each of you, that it is not about looking to some false leader or genuine leader, some false god or the Godhead, the Unified Field of All.

You, my beloveds, are your own Messiah. You are the Anointed One. You are the one who has self-selected and the Mother has selected to walk through this change. And yes, She has pushed her infamous Reset button. That is not what I’m talking about. You have set, you have pushed your own Reset button! You are claiming and living and building this world that is intended, not for some and not for others, but for everyone so that we really do walk, play, live, thrive together.

Has the chaos risen to the surface? Most certainly. Has it been completely eliminated? No. There is still a little further to go. But it is nothing – nothing! – compared to what has already been removed/transformed/transmuted, and yes, under Universal Law, eliminated. Eliminated! Not to be resurrected; vaguely remembered so the missteps don’t get repeated. You are the ones that ensure how the human race, how this collective of souls, goes forward on Nova Gaia.

And yes, I have said to this channel, and I will repeat it: “IF the collective goes forward,” for there have been moments when that has been questioned, and certainly there have been moments when you have questioned it for yourself. When I repeatedly invite you, request, plead with you to walk with me, or me with you, I am speaking not to come to this side but to walk this planet, which is the core, the activator, for the Mother’s Plan, for this phase of her Infinite Plan.

You feel that you have been asked to do a great deal – and you have been – but dear angels, brothers and sisters, that is just the beginning. Now it is time to truly co-create in ways that have not been available on this planet, ever. Hear what I say: Ever!

This is cause for celebration because all of you came knowing this potential. You may have stuffed it down, you may have taken it out and treasured it, but you have all known. And now is your moment, of course in harmony with all species, all Creation.

You are part of this Unity, as are we. Let us proceed together. And give yourself the credit, the kudos, for what you have done not just this year but your entire life, life after life after life!

You are sacred and I am proud not only to walk with you but to be with you as brother.

Go with my love, and let us continue on!


Channelled by Linda Dillon, 21 December 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn