WINTER SOLSTICE 2024 with Jesus Sananda & the Divine Mother
Greetings! Greetings, I am Mary, I am Maré, I am Mother, I am One, and I welcome you. And yes, I remind you, my sweet angels in form, oh yes, you are powerful humans and you have travelled far, but during this time of beginning yet again – not just new chapter, new book – I embrace you and I invite you to conjoin with me in the Unity of One.
So not only do I come right now to speak to you about the Reset… yes, I have pushed that infamous button… but I also come to conjoin with you, to welcome you in to share this space, because of course you are part of the One.
There cannot be, there never has been a separation… and mentally you know that now and then, hard to know that in and out… but I come to repeat this and to embrace you into my arms, into our being – and not just to invite you into the 13th Octave, which has been your deep preparation for decades, but to simply be with us as family because that is what you are.
Oh, there have been many adventures, many forays, some into the darkness, some into the light, some into mediocre ho-hum existence. But not for you! There is not a one of you, regardless of the challenges, the disappointments, the encouragements, who have set aside your path or who have set aside your promises to me.
You may have had moments, decades, of soul exhaustion, but you have never broken your promise. Have there been those infamous scenic detours, perhaps miscalculations, inaccurate expectations? Yes. But your heart is true. Not just that it has been or that it will be. Your heart is true!
Before you came, which was an incredibly brave step, you knew the magnitude of this. And you also knew that at some juncture, not because of inadequacy but because of readiness, I would open the floodgates.
If you wish to know what the Reset is, that is it: the floodgates are open!
Now, may this feel at times overwhelming, like you are spinning in space? Yes. And may it feel that you will finally have the infinite perspective, the knowing, of who you really are? Yes! And in that, what does it preclude? Deviation? No! Because deviation… expression of your sacred self… your script is not written other than your true heart and soul!
You came and said, “Let me create.” Gaia invited you. You arrived with a gilded invitation and it was to eradicate much of the darkness that has plagued this planet. Your brothers and sisters, your Wingmaker Selves, your Cities of Light have been beckoning you, and you have been saying, “Yes, but we’re not sure how this is going to happen.” And there is no point in waiting for those in various realms of authority. You are doing this. You are the creators.
The Delegations’ work, which has been monumental, the human investment, yes, with your Star Family who are very present already on planet, the investment that they have made in every sector that you can possibly imagine has laid a foundation. And it is not on a shelf in some government bureaucracy. It is ready, and it is already being implemented, yes, with a little help!
I want you to think, I want you to feel, I want you to know of my promise to you… yes, within which your promise to me was a part… my promise was, is, and shall be that if you go… not with provisos pass/fail/succeed, no… if you go, you will know the fulfilment of this shift in Heart Consciousness.
It will be the anchoring of what so many call Heaven upon Earth. It will be a place where Love, Trust, Forgiveness, Unity, Connectedness and Balance live, breathe, act… JOY!
I know many of you have expressed your exhaustion. I set the Reset not because I am fed up, not because I am disappointed, not because of any reason other than everything is achieved in that place you call ‘time’. It is an intervention.
Think of it in this way. Each of you in your quiet dark moments has prayed, pleaded, yearned for intervention, intercession, an active opening. Well, that is acted upon. Not just for one, because it does not work just for one; it never has. That has only created the delusion of separation.
The intercession, the opening, is for all so that this sense of divisiveness that has torn at your core dissipates. It is not about that some are welcome and some are not, some win and some lose, some stay and some depart. No! It is for everyone! And yes, you are my delivery agents, you are the creators, the catalysts. That is why I’m speaking to you of this at the very beginning.
Now think of this. We are excited! You will see the ease, the joy… not that there won’t be challenges at different moments… but all the realms, and particularly your Star Family, are present and ready. Not a year from now. Now!
You may find that you are adjusting, your focus is blurry, and you look twice. Yes, Michael has begun to Pierce the Veil! And it won’t be resurrected. It won’t be reinstalled. It is past time. This is my promise to you, and it is the fulfilment of my Promise and my Dream.
You are in a human body. That has been the agreement and the miracle. Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of opportunities. And yes, be the observer, because what you are seeing is real.
And know that we are with you. We are with you, beloveds, every step of the way, as you have been with us. I do not have a Plan of Unfoldment for Gaia without you! Yes, in harmony with ALL – all the creatures, all the kingdoms – for we truly are One.
So close your eyes and dream with me, and then open them and let us create this world, this Galaxy, this Universe, this Multiverse, this Omniverse that works for everyone. You are entrusted with this and you are more than capable.
Go with my love and go, sweet angels, in peace.
Channelled by Linda Dillon, 21 December 2024
Transcribed by Ellen Nairn