Enjoy this powerful and most timely message from our beloved Yeshi, channelled just yesterday by Linda during a guest appearance at a local college.

Yeshua Speaks Of Forgiveness

Greetings, I AM Yeshua, I am Jesus, I am Jesus Sananda, I am ancient friend and current ally, beloveds of All. Welcome, my friends!

I have been looking for you, and of course you are easy to spot, you are easy to embrace. You are yearning for love and so I come to you, yes, as master, as son, as friend, as one that has experienced being in this human form, yes, which I feel by being within this channel. It is a curious situation and it is a gift.

And so I say this to all of you as we speak of channelling as part of our discussion this day because I want you to know: when we channel together, it is not only a gift to you, sweet ones, to receive the information, the blessings, the energy, the upgrade, the frequency, it is a gift to us – and I speak for all of us in this Council of Love.

It is a gift! And it is a gift that is sweet and beyond measure because what you are doing in this process, in this participation, is saying yes. But you are also expressing your trust on the deepest levels – and nothing takes place unless that trust is there.

I have interrupted the channel even earlier by speaking of forgiveness when that was not the answer and she was somewhat taken aback; it matters not, because I wish to also say a few things about forgiveness. And I do not mean the polite platitudes of “excuse me”, “you’re forgiven”, or “oh, it’s all right.” We all know what that is, and it is not coming from your heart.

What I am asking of you this day – for yourselves, of course, and for this circle that is formed in this beautiful class – is I also want you, I entreat you, to open your heart for forgiveness for everything. And you say to me, “Lord, how can I possibly… how can I possibly do that, for there have been so many egregious events, situations, actions, behaviours?” And that is why I am asking you: Let us do it as one ball, one collective. And I do not just mean current events.

Yes, in many ways, forgiveness is a form of surrender, but it is also a form of claiming your divine supremacy, your sovereignty, and your right to literally wipe the slate clean. Not to eradicate memories, because the mother says that is not a good thing. Because we do not want these atrocities, these egregious behaviours, to be repeated again and again and again. It has gone on long enough.

Often, this type of clinging to an old grid, to something that doesn’t even exist… it is not that any of them can go and touch a grid and say “this is mine.” It is an energetic grid that has been dissolved, so it is really not just illusion but delusion. But as you have all known and witnessed, at times even within your beautiful sacred selves… arrogant, abusive, self-abusive… you can never be arrogant or abusive or any of these ‘qualities’ that people talk about without injuring yourself.

And so it is in some ways like a small child throwing a tantrum and upping the ante until there is an explosion… and then there is forgiveness… and then the child curls up and goes to sleep, has a nap, as if nothing ever happened. Except they have learned the lesson. And the lesson isn’t just about cruelty or poor behaviour. It is about the fact that their parents, or whomever is caretaking, love them. That is the goal, the true goal, of poor behaviour.

You all know… oh, there are many stories, and that is alright, about when I have walked the Earth with my beloved… one of the things that was absolutely necessary in my journey – which is your journey – was the forgiveness of those that I felt had injured, yes, neglected, spoken ill of, or even more cutting, dismissed me and my messages, who never had a kind word to say.

And inside of that – in the human part of me, fully cognisant and aware, but also having the human experience – I had to forgive myself. There were times when things went awry, and I dare say they could be viewed as going very awry, that I judged myself. You know these stories. What is so often absent from the stories is the heartbreak.

I loved my life. I loved… I still do… my Magdalena, my family, my friends that we called apostles and disciples. I loved going out to the countryside and walking and talking and laughing and eating and picnicking. [Chuckling] I loved sitting in the garden and smelling the jasmine. I loved the sound of my children sleeping. And so I thought that I somehow must have gotten it wrong. You’ve all felt this from time to time and that is why I bring it up.

I knew the Plan prior to coming, and during, as did my beloved. But in my human self, I would say, “There must be a mistake here. How could this be the culmination, the fulfilment, of my plan?” And I would judge myself. I would say, “I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere,” and felt a bit like a victim, as if I was being punished or denied what I really, really wanted and what I had.

I guess I did not have it as long as I would have preferred. But what was my self-forgiveness about? It was about judging myself, about not trusting the rightness of my plan and our Mother’s Plan, my Father’s Plan.

We all know that the journey of being in form is a gift, but it is not a permanent gift; you will come and you will go, you will come and you will go, but it is to be embraced. And if, for one millisecond, you are taking that quantity of what you think of as ‘time’ and judging yourself or somebody else, you are denying not only the Divine but your Sacred Self.

So as we gather here together this day, let us forgive. And let us not even make a list which would encircle the globe. Let us simply forgive. And forgive on behalf of those who have not yet reached the place. And you say, “Well, Lord, how can I do that? Yeshi, they have to reach that awareness.”

As you do it with and for them, that awareness will grow within them! They will receive the clemency, the mercy, the wisdom to do so – and to be cleansed – not to repeat, “Oh, I guess it was alright.” No! Egregious behaviour and self-judgement, judgement of others, is never alright.

So let us come together, please, in our hearts, in the totality of who you are, and what you know, and what I am awakening in you of what has need to be forgiven for your sweet self, for those close to you that you love and cherish, for the nations across the sea or across town.

Let us just take a moment, an infinite moment, and forgive.

I ask you to simply breathe. What I give you is forgiveness. What I expand within you is forgiveness. What I awaken within you is wisdom and the common sense to Love.

*     *     *

Yes, you may begin your questions.

Q: I want to first say that I feel like Yeshua, that you’ve come to me on occasion in a deep way, and I am incredibly grateful for those visits.

My question is: Is there hope for our Earthly existence? I think that’s been answered, but I wrote this early this morning. There is so much fearmongering going on these days with global warming and the news creating all kinds of disturbances, from icebergs melting to destruction from more violent hurricanes, due to the oceans warming, fear of nuclear wars, talk about the stock market crashing and/or the dollar becoming worthless, buy gold and silver, COVID, the loneliness epidemic, just to mention a few things.

It’s hard to stay in the vibration of Love. I don’t fear for myself, but for my children’s generation and their children, I really want to remain positive. Yet, with everything in the news, it’s hard for me to say to them with conviction that “it’s all going to be alright, you’ll see.”

Y: Yes, I heard your question last night actually, and that is what we began with this day.

Q: I think you have answered it in many beautiful ways already.

Y: Let us talk about this. First of all, the overarching response is: If you do not stay in Love, what happens? Then all these fearmongering, destructive scenarios are self-fulfilling prophecies, are they not? And we know enough about self-fulfilling prophecies, do we not? [Chuckling]

So, one of the things that is essential to understand is the sentience of Gaia, of Earth, and that her frequency has changed significantly and that she is evolving and expanding. The future of this planet is not to be wasted and become a dead planet. She is cleansing, she is changing, she is shifting. Are there all kinds of manipulation of information? Yes, and what you think of as climate change or global warming.

It is, in so many ways, Gaia, the kingdoms, all of the kingdoms saying, “Can you please stop, you are hurting me! And so I will do what I have to do in order to adjust and show you there are different ways.”

The hatred – and we are talking about a level of hatred that has not been witnessed before on this Earth; think of what I say because there have been terrible abominations. And paired with this, there has never been such an uncertainty, shall I call it that, of what lies behind, what lies right now, and what lies ahead. I did not write this book for nothing!

But we are your partners and you are our partners in this process of… you can call it ascension, you can call it transformation, you can call it sovereignty, you can call it whatever you decide, what feels good within you, and that will change according to culture. But what does not change is the determination – and the determination not just to survive, because surviving is not enough; it has need to be survival to thrival! And that is the Plan.

What the Mother, Father and all of us are doing, from the elderly to the youngest, is we are infusing each being, whether they acknowledge it or not, with a frequency of awakening – awakening to their own self, even when denied – and to the wonder of who they are. Not in ways of arrogance or conceit, but in ways of empowerment: “What can I do?”

Let me be very clear with you in this limited time. The Plan, which is underway by Divine Decree, is for the transformation. The transformation of everything else that exists on planet is well underway. Now, what the project is, is humanity. And is it radical surgery? Yes. And is it gentle loving care? Yes. It is an awakening within the individual and the collective of a very simple thing: that they are worthy, and inside that worthiness is the power, the tools, to do what is necessary. And it will happen!

So take heart, beloved. Your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, many centuries later, they are fine!

Q: So your message on forgiveness, it was occurring to me that it is really the question of, in order to forgive others and what we see external to ourselves, can we really do that in any way effectively without forgiving ourselves first?

Y: No. It is partial, because when you don’t acknowledge that you are worthy of forgiveness – and that you need forgiveness – because your mental/emotional body has put it upon you that you have created egregious, mean, terrible situations that you have participated in out of ego or lust or need, “Oh, I did it because of…”.

So if you do not acknowledge that in yourself and eradicate it, forgive it, and be done with it… not with the memory of poor behaviour, so you don’t repeat; that when you forgive another without that peace, it is not that it is meaningless – it is never meaningless if it is coming from a heart of compassion especially – but it is incomplete.

And one of the biggest shifts in the human collective where your frequency, your vibratory rate, is changing is not only the acknowledgement that you need forgiveness but that you want it, and that you are willing to receive it.

The pattern of humanity has been, too often, to do something awful and then say to the neighbour, whether it is another country or your sibling, “Will you forgive me?” And then, when they say yes, you think it is like a get-out-of-jail-free card – and it is not – because that fundamental change has not taken place.

And it doesn’t necessarily mean heaviness. In fact, it is liberation. And it is not a freedom card to go ahead and do more. It is a soul decision to proceed in a different manner.

Q: How does forgiveness work when, let’s say, you are in a situation that is toxic, abusive, and forgiveness must be the wrong interpretation because you allow it to repeat and then you try to forgive again? So how does forgiveness work when you are in a situation where abuse continues?

Y: I have had this conversation, certainly with the rabbis, and with the Romans. Forgiveness is not permission. And one of the reasons why I stress the forgiveness also of self is that… particularly when you are in an abusive or toxic situation… unless it is deep, profound change – which is fully possible – then what you are doing is you are not really forgiving yourself.

I do not suggest that this is easy. I have encountered many, particularly in the culture in which I lived long ago, women who would not leave their families or their spouses if they were beaten or abused or dismissed, and it was terrible. Part of forgiveness is looking in the mirror, the mirror of your heart and your soul, and saying, “I deserve not to be abused. I forgive what I have done, and what has been perpetrated upon me, but this cannot continue.”

That is why humanity is in such a whirlwind. It cannot continue. And to say, “I forgive,” and then next week, “I’ll forgive you,” again and again and again… And I have said repeatedly: “I told you to turn the other cheek. I did not tell you to let them beat you up!”

It is a walk of trust to walk away, to find this alternative, to love yourself enough. And you say, “I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I don’t know how this will work.” That is when you let us step in! Let us help because that is what we are here for.

Please trust us! Please.

Q: And children? When children are abused, how do they access this? Little children?

Y: This is one of the most devastating crimes – and I do use that word specifically. There is much said about this kind of situation, that they somehow signed up for that. I would suggest to you that there is not one child that comes into form, one infant that says, “I’ll go there and allow them to torture me.” That is completely wrong.

One of the most frustrating aspects of observing, guiding, not interfering or overriding, is when humans decide not to follow their soul purpose and mission. No one came to the planet and said, “I came to be a child abuser, a paedophile, a rapist.” It is not so!

So the children need to be gathered actually, physically, and shown Love – Love without pain. And yes, if it does mean putting them in an alternate family home situation, then that is the best because otherwise they will simply think that that is the paradigm within which they must operate, and that is not… NOT… the truth.

There are times for righteous anger and that is one of them!

*     *     *

You are gathered together to work miracles! I thank you for allowing this visitation, but beloveds, claim your sovereignty and joy, and proceed with the class. Farewell.

Go with my love.

 Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn