We want you unshackled in fabulous ways, in magnificent ways, in ways that are authentic and true first to yourself…

HEART CALL ~ October 2024

Yeshua ~ Fabulous Unshackled Neutrality!

Greetings, I am Yeshi, I am Yeshua, I am Jesus Sananda, I am brother, I am friend, I am ally, I am kindred spirit, and I welcome you, and I ask and request – yes, for my sacred self, but for all of us – that we may join your circle.

So many times, beloveds, I have asked you, “Come walk with me, come play with me, come sit with me, come be with me,” and that is true of all of us. But now I ask – and I already know the answer – that we join you in spirit, in form, in energy, it matters not, for Love is felt in so many ways.

There is not a singular definition, except to say, “Love is and Love is ALL.” It is a container, yes, that holds all the sacred Divine Qualities, the Blessings and Virtues, that have been bestowed upon you eons ago and yesterday, today, tomorrow.

But Love is kinship. And yes, I use that word. I use this word in the time of New Beginnings, for where there is kinship and a deep embrace/recognition of kinship, there is no separation and you are free, free to be yourself.

The Mother and the Father have never asked anything of any of us other than to be ourselves – the truth, the beauty, the might, the grace of who you really are – and that means without the veils, without the restrictions, without the feeling that you have to appear, or do, or be a certain way.

When I have suggested and channelled to this person that we want you unshackled in fabulous ways, in magnificent ways, in ways that are authentic and true first to yourself… sweet angels, you have an expression, “Are you bringing your ‘A’ game to your life? Are you bringing your ‘A’ game to you? Are you bringing the best, the most brilliant totality – not this facet, not that aspect – are you bringing the totality of your beautiful self to you, and therefore to everybody?”

There is a sacred trait of not being boastful or conceited. I know of it well. It is not being egoic, it is not being filled with yourself, with false fronts, to be the fullness of who you are.

Now, part of this blessed reset that the Mother has undertaken… you know, the interesting thing about our beloved Mother: She does not have to consult anybody! If She dreams it – and She has dreamed it long ago – it is. But you, and we, are of the Mother/Father/One. Think of what I say to you. If you dream it, it is.

There have been many false grids, illusions, the collective egoic behaviours, paradigms that have been put in place – by humanity! – to distract you from the magnitude, the fun, of who you are, yes, in your human self. This is pivotal. Your being is massive, and you know that it has been growing and growing and growing, but this inner self that appears as your physical self is part of all of that and it is unlimited.

And you say, “Oh no, Yeshi, there are limitations. I can only run five miles, I cannot paint, I have a terrible singing voice.” You are unlimited! And you are unlimited in what you have chosen, what you have claimed and chosen, incorporated into your sacred self to express in this time of restoration, of fluidity.

I would like to go with you as you explore and claim all of yourself. It starts with you. Are you transversing, skating, swimming in the Mother’s Infinite Ocean? Are you swimming, skating, flying through the dimensions and the twelve planes in each of those?

There is so much of YOU to be discovered, unshackled, embraced!

You are fabulous, and you are my family, you are my best friends. You are my teachers and allies, as I am yours. Oh, I have walked and you have taught me, “So this is how you be in form, this is how you have fun with family.” Many of you have often said, “Yeshi, stop being so serious,” and then you have said an hour later, “Yeshi, get serious, be real!” And we have laughed about all of it.

It is time to play – not to toil, not to work – but to BE.

It is a curious feeling, is it not, to embrace your Infinite Self, because that is what I am saying when I am requesting, asking, begging, pleading for you to embrace ALL of you.

Yes, you are needed, you are required, you are part of this rebirth of what it means to be human. But it is supposed to be that the creation, the dream, is fun, freedom, free of judgement. And the biggest obstacle to freeing judgement is to stop judging yourself. Not positive or negative. Just LOVE.

Love yourself as I love you. Let me walk with you. Let me show you who you really are, my beloved friends, my circle. Let us throw off these shackles together and proceed with the Mother’s Dream. It is a new game and it has already started.

And it is a game! It is joy-filled!

Go with my love and go, sweet angels – sweet hybrids [smiling] – go in peace.


Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn