What is welling up in people’s hearts is not only the longing but the knowing – even when they are not phrasing it as such – that they know there is something else that they are intended, that they can have, that they can own and wear and live.

Universal Mother ~ An Awakening of Deep Levels of Consciousness

Another beautiful Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Berber from her reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of One, Mother of All, and Mother, sweet angel, of thee. Welcome, my sweet angel of blue and lavender, heart of emerald. Welcome! And welcome home, for is this not this Omniverse, this Multiverse, this Universe which you have transversed, skipped, jumped, played, worked in forever, including our space.

This is your home, so I welcome you. I welcome you on behalf of so many. And I also welcome those that you have invited along this day, those who are aware and those who are not aware, it matters not, for we truly do open the doors and our hearts, always, to those who are seeking. And yes, it’s true that sometimes they do not even know that they are seeking.

As you have said to the channel, many are confused or befuddled these days. And part of this, sweet one – no, not all of it, but a big part – is that they are trying to situate themselves in the expanded spectrum that I have created and opened. Not ever, not in my Infinite Ocean of Time or any ocean of time – not to create greater confusion, most certainly not – but in order to allow, shall I say, a greater quotient of clarity, a greater quotient of joy, a greater quotient of love, of knowing, to shine through.

Now, it is a curious situation insofar as many of those who are feeling themselves slightly displaced, confused, even demented, are those who have been seeking greater clarity, greater openness, because they have found the constructs, the difficult nature, of what has risen to the surface in the clearing of ancient wounds – let us call it what it is – and so they have been pleading. And yet, the energy is of a magnitude… yes, even though I am of course modulating it; we all are… but it has many in a period, shall we say, of adjustment.

Now, some will rebalance and go forward and some will simply return home. This planet, my beloved Gi’Anna, your beloved Gi’Anna, was never intended to be a planet of confusion, of the abyss, of cruelty, violence, or ego. And so yes, that is being healed – healed in ways that many are not fully cognisant of – and of course, in some ways, the input of energy does create a feeling in many of simply being dizzy or spacy. They will adjust.

But what is welling up in people’s hearts is not only the longing but the knowing – even when they are not phrasing it as such – that they know there is something else that they are intended, that they can have, that they can own and wear and live. It is an awakening of deep levels of consciousness that have always been embedded – within you more than many, understand this, know this, as you have accessed most of this in your journey of exploration and of life.

So yes, we begin this day with celebration, or shall I say ‘cautious’ celebration! [Chuckling] I am not cautious, no, but we modulate because of course my Plan is not to create mass hysteria. Quite the contrary. It is time for this populace to calm down.

There has been a frenzy, quite literally, that has been elongated. Oh, it has risen and fallen, risen and fallen, but the fact of frenzy… not euphoria but frenzy… has gone on too long, and it is time for it to simply go away.

You are assisting deeply and greatly, and I thank you, as I have always thanked you for your assistance, above and below, for eons.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn