Your planet is in exhaustion. You have heard us speak of ‘soul exhaustion’ from time to time. It is not an illusion. It is the truth of when a soul feels it’s all simply too much.

Madalia speaks of Soul Exhaustion

Another beautiful excerpt lovingly shared by Jackie from her reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I AM Madalia, guardian and friend, protector, defender, sister, mother, ally and I welcome you, we honour you, and we embrace you as the brilliant angel of lurion that you are. Do not, we plead with you, underestimate the strength, the power, the beauty, the might of who you are, that you bring.

Think of it, beloved. You are a daughter of the Mother, and you bring this unique blend of blue and pink, a touch of lavender, silver, and yes, even some of Gabrielle’s gold. In this entire Omniverse, there is only you! You have not chosen or been asked to replicate yourself on a number of planets or in a number of universes. The task at hand is of such a magnitude that you have chosen to be here, on Gi’Anna, in the uniqueness of this journey.

Think of it, think of what you are doing here. And no, we are not suggesting that this journey has been always straightforward or easy, placid. No! And yet, even through the strongest currents, the choppiest waters, you have not only endured but you have gone forward with a depth of understanding of who you are – a depth of understanding that is sometimes not known, acknowledged, or recognised by others. It matters not, because the Mother knows, and you are cherished.

Humans, yes, are in such a process of awakening – yes, still – but in that back and forth, that wave upon wave, they often have, shall we use the word ‘failed’ to see, let alone acknowledge the truth, the beauty, the might of who they are. This is not a critique or a judgment. It is simply a perspective on the human collective.

And when that is occurring – and it is occurring – what happens is that the humans fail to see, cannot see, other people well because they cannot see themselves. Oh, sometimes they see you, admire you, like you, dislike you, chastise you, praise you, it matters not, but they cannot truly see the full package because they have not seen themselves.

And that is what this awakening is about. It is about the tearing down of the paradigms – internal – of lack, in every description of the word, and coming to a deep not only acceptance but embrace of the totality of self – and through that, the totality of everybody – not just the Divine, because the Divine is in All.

So you have been witnessing a lot of that of late and wondering, “Is it me? Is it them? Is it this planet? Is it the structure?” And yes, it is the structure, but it is the structure of the old grids, the old paradigms, and there is literally no space. The Mother has pushed the reset button, so as you are navigating these tumultuous currents, in the depth of your soul, the depth of your being, you know who you are.

There have been times in your lifetime, in this particular lifetime, when you have attempted to shove it away or deny it, and that has never worked. You are the strongest of the strong and the softest of the gentleness; you are the sweetness of the spring and the strength of the summer sun; and you are the Mother’s daughter. Could any being in any realm, any timeline, any dimension ever wish for more? Of course not.

So although you have felt that there is a great deal, not of discord, let us be clear of that, but of uncertainty, know, beloved, that not only are we with you, but you are with you, and sweet angel of lurion, you are with us.

Jackie: Since midsummer, I’ve been more tired than I think I’ve ever been in my life. I don’t understand the tiredness. It’s creating great stress.

Madalia: First of all the exhaustion, yes, there is the physicality, but let us talk about causality before we get to that. Your planet is in exhaustion. You have heard us speak of ‘soul exhaustion’ from time to time. It is not an illusion. It is the truth of when a soul feels it’s all simply too much.

Now, because of the intensity of the energies, anybody and everybody who is at all awake – and even those millions and millions and millions who are not – is feeling exhausted. And yes, it is the physical body’s reaction to the release of so much chaos energy in the very air you are breathing. It is also the release of patterns, but we will not focus on that.

So that is part of what you are experiencing. The feeling of lethargy, inability, to go one step further, to be what in your sense would be productive at home, is a reaction and an awareness of what is going on in the seen and the unseen realms.

Part of what the human collective is realising, as they are beginning to manage and acknowledge their collective ego issues, is that you cannot have war, you cannot have violence, you cannot have starvation on such a massive scale, you cannot have divisiveness on such a massive scale and not expect, anticipate, or understand that it is going to affect the physical body.

When one is in an abusive relationship, whether it is with an emperor, as a parent, or as a spouse and you are continually abused, the reaction is withdrawal. It is going into a shell and being exhausted just for reasons of self-defence.

That is what is going on with the collective.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn