A beautiful reminder from a recent channel that reminds us what is truly transpiring with the shifts upon Gia and the overwhelming presence of war. A reminder how critical it is for each of us to stay grounded deep within the heart of Gaia. xxx Linda

Gaia. in her infinite wisdom, begins much of the balancing and rebalancing of the planet. No, Gaia is not responsible for the creation of hatred, greed and war. This is about the geophysical grid cleanup, so that the places where Love will thrive, the Cities of Light, the city-states of light, are all shined and polished and ready for that glorious day, for that glorious in-person appearance.

That is what is going on at the same time as the potential for human co-creation with All is wide open and on the table. It is a gift, but in order to take full advantage of the gift, to fully participate in the creation, delivery, and enjoyment of the gift, you have need to be in form. And it is in form in your body, in the full magnificence, not just the human emanation of who you are but the fullness of who you have always been. That is the gift!  

Do not think that I am not including the reorganization of what people think of as war, because it has reached a crescendo. It is not a question of who is right, wrong, accurate, inaccurate. It is the question that violence does not serve. And the feeling and the actuality of having to live, especially in acute self-defense, is not acceptable. It never has been. And nations tend to become obsessed with self-defense.

Now that feeling, that actuality of self-defense is predicated either actually in what you think of as this time and space, or historically, and I mean eons, of time and space. This feeling of the need for preparedness to be in self-defense, in a mode of self-awareness, high alert, comes from a feeling, not of spacious, gracious vulnerability, but of abuse and of violence being perpetrated. And it does not matter whether it is an individual, or whether it is a country, or whether it is a continent, or whether it is a planet.

Self-defense is predicated on earlier violence and abuse. And it has need to end, and so that is what is being worked upon by Gaia and by each of you.

When there is, and it is usually a child or a woman, who is continually abused, they are constantly in a state of self-defense, of high alert. And it is an abrogation of their very personality. It covers and denies their gifts, the sweetness that they have to bring to the forefront.

That is what the beautiful diversity of geography and culture is about. And it cannot be hidden any longer. So the people, not the politicians, rise up.

They do not rise up to say, end to this or that side. They rise up to say, there is a different way to live. And it is that insistence upon this alternative, not through violence, not through egregious behavior, but because it is so attractive, it cannot be resisted. It cannot be denied. Dear heart, that is what is coming. That is what lies ahead.

Peace is directly in front of you. So we tell you this, yes, because you are the independent anchor of this alternative. It is not being in favor of violence. It is not being in favor of self-defense. It is in favor of life. You are a keeper of the heart, and a keeper of the hearth.

And it is the hearth of Gaia. And it is the hearth of humanity. You are pivotal, and you are preparing.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 10/02/24