Everything is in readiness – and might I say, my beloved brother, that includes you and that includes your sacred circle – so we bring you this message of good tidings, of glad joy!

Valdar ~ This New Day of One

Another wonderfully uplifting Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Andrew from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Valdar, guardian and friend, protector, defender, brother, sister, ally.  Welcome, beloved one, and welcome to this Council of Love.  Welcome home!

And yes, you regain, you re-assert, you re-emerge into the fullness of your being, for as so many have said, the reset button has been pushed and there is the emergence of the New – and with this, it also means the fading away, the elimination, of that which does not serve. It is a part and the fulfilment, the next chapter, shall we say, of the Plan of the Mother/Father/One, and it is within the new ocean – the Mother’s Infinite Ocean of Time and Space, of Reality – and it is a mighty ocean!

And yes, there is a Tsunami – and it is a Tsunami wiping away, yet again, that which is not of Love. It is an ocean big enough for every being, all dimensions, all timelines, all realities, except those not of Love. The realities that are based on the old paradigms of abuse or cruelty, lack or limitation, hatred or greed are gone!

Oh, there are those that will cling the way humans sometimes cling to a sinking ship, and what they will realise is that they will either sink with the ship or fill their breath with the new air and the dawn of a new day to emerge and ride these waves of change – this New Day of One.

It is a time for stepping, as you well know, into action – into the participation and the creation of the New, of what your heart desires, and of what is beneficial not only for your beloved self, your beloved family and community, but for all beings. And when these levels not only of consideration but of wisdom take place, then there is a seismic shift in the collective consciousness, the collective ideation, and the collective belief system of this human collective.

As we have said so many times, the shift in the kingdoms – in all the kingdoms that occupy Gaia, including of course Gi’Anna herself – took place some time ago.  It is only this last piece, and the Mother/Father’s patience for humans in a heart-conscious manner to reach this decision not only on subtle levels but on heart-conscious and head-conscious levels. That time has come.

Now, it is not only the level of being aware or conscious, because unless this consciousness is quite literally paired, married, and glued to meaningful action, then Nova Earth does not emerge. It is a planet, yes, that is constructed and worked with all kingdoms above, below, and yes, in between, but it includes – is dependent upon – human decisions and actions. Not merely a wish, an intention or a dream, but the actions that bring into the sacred space the fruition – the materialisation, shall I say – of this collective divine and human dream.

There is not one human being upon the planet… oh, many are in denial still… but there is not one human being upon the planet who does not yearn for the fulfilment of the Plan, to live in peace and harmony, to feel the heart connection, and from that place of divine and human union to be able to step forward – not in trepidation or fear; there is no room for that – but in the clarity of purpose to be able to declare and do what is required.

The Divine Plan does not merely come, as you well know, from the Heart of One or the heart of your Star Family. It was embedded, is embedded, and is alive and well in the hearts and essence of every human being. This delineation of some who are aware and some who are not, yes, it is valid – and there is the delineation of some who are dark and some who are Light; no, there are some perhaps who are more awake than others – but it is not about exempting or discluding any being from participating in the Mother’s unfoldment.

She did not send down her retinue and say, “Now, some of you will be successful because I love you and you will be alright, and some of you will be damned.” That would never be of Love. That would never be of the unity of one heart, one mind, one will. Now, does it override the human inclinations? No. But does it power, does it influence, does it infiltrate the collective?  Yes, it does, and that is exactly what is going on.

And so yes, beloved one, the Plan proceeds – and it proceeds apace – and it is apace with Divine Timing.

The preparations have been done. Gaia herself has been kept safe, yes, for hundreds and hundreds of years by our Star Family, as well as the humans. The Delegations have done their work and are prepared to bring these into the full fruition of action with the collective. The Cities of Light emerge. Financial and political social systems change and emerge in a new paradigm.

Everything is in readiness – and might I say, my beloved brother, that includes you and that includes your sacred circle – so we bring you this message of good tidings, of glad joy!

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn