There are far too many lightworkers who think that this [the darkness] should be expelled – and they use the term ‘destroyed’ in a destructive kind of way, in a vengeful kind of way that shows that they are in charge and that they have won the battle between light and dark. That is ancient, egoic, fallen-angel thinking. It cannot be!

Universal Mother ~ Embracing the Darkness

A beautiful Channelled Gem lovingly shared from a personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of One, Mother of All, and certainly, beloved daughter, Mother of thee, of both of thee.

I come to bring you my embrace, and it is not merely an infusion of my harmony, which is your divine right and indeed your property, your legacy, your inheritance. I come to embrace you, to nurture you, to coddle you, to reassure you and to enfold you in my love, in my arms, in my heart, in my very being.

And I emphasise, beloved, that I come to you and that I am with you in full presence. I’m not asking you to abandon your station and come to me, for in many ways I am more fluid. Transportation is easier! [Laughing]

But you, bright angel of magenta, blue, gold, pink, healer of the Violet Ray, this is not about you pushing. And yes, this situation with your body has certainly indicated to you not only that you don’t want to push but that you can’t push. This pattern of human pushing, of egoic aggression, of conceit and abuse and violence, it’s just a paradigm of pushing. It is a paradigm of egoic behaviour.

Yes, there are times when you have to push to survive, and you most certainly know that! But beloved, for Heaven’s sake, and for Gaia’s sake, you are breaking this paradigm and so your body has absolutely said, “No, I refuse to push.” Quite vehemently, I would add!

Now, I wish to discuss this malady and the interpretation of this malady, of this very severe pain and injury, so let us not downplay it. Let us literally dig into it because you are ready – and much work has been done with and for you, and you are fully aware of that. There have been moments, times, reflections when you have felt or thought that you have agreed to travel into and to work with the darkness – and to some extent that is true – but we need to uncover and rebalance what this is truly about.

Now, I am not suggesting to you that you have never had occasions when you have meandered off, detoured off, and explored, shall we say, cloudy dark behaviours or vibrations. And in many ways, in the bigger picture, that has been beneficial because you most certainly fully understand what I am speaking of. Not in a way of judgment, for all my creations are loved. But you understand what I am referring to when I talk about the darkness and the need for that to be brought back, embraced, enfolded into the light, to be brought back home.

Not to be shunned or expelled because when you think of this, sweet angel of light, where on Earth, in this Galaxy, this Universe, this Omniverse, where would you expel darkness to? It is all mine, and it is all One, so it cannot be expelled. And there are far too many lightworkers who think that this should be expelled – and they use the term ‘destroyed’ in a destructive kind of way, in a vengeful kind of way that shows that they are in charge and that they have won the battle between light and dark. That is ancient, egoic, fallen-angel thinking. It cannot be!

Now, let me bring this back to you. You abhor… no, not hate; that would be the wrong word… you abhor the darkness because it excludes the love, and you know that! It is not that you are of the darkness – not in the slightest – and you have not ventured there for a very long time, which is why you are with me and where we are in this transformation of this planet, this Galaxy, this Universe, this Multiverse, this Omniverse.

You abhor the darkness and so you have said unto me, “Mother, I will heal this and I will help them remember that the only thing that’s real is Love.” So it is not… and I need to be very clear with you… it is not that you have made a vow to be in the darkness. And yes, when you have felt that you were doing too much, quite literally it has injured your physical body.

Let us… and I’m not painting you, sweet angel… there is also this categorisation upon the planet of ‘good people, bad people, angels, saints, devils, demons’ – you know whereof I speak. It is not that you lack awareness in what people are or aren’t, but very often you have taken that energy to transmute it, transform it, eliminate it. Not by yourself but with all of us – and with Archangels Michael and Gabrielle, Uriel, Raphael, and most certainly Jophiel, Archangel of Unity – because you come from the Unified Field.

You are in, you understand, you comprehend, you exist, you thrive – and you suffer! – in that Unified Field, and so you have brought it in so that it is not out there. And you are exhausted. There is a time and place for healing, and that is why my beloved St. Germaine has taken you back to the Healing Temple. And you actually have been doing very well there, and will continue to do so, by the way.

No, you’re not being sent home yet! [Laughing] Not because you’re not capable. You are extraordinarily capable – you are extraordinarily committed – you are extraordinary, period! And you never cease to work. Yes, of course, you are bilocated to several places – interdimensionally, timeline, everything – but we are healing you.

There are so many upon this Earth… and far beyond, by the way… who have suffered physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, causal injury and pain. And now you know exactly what it is, and that has been a learning. … Part of your question inside the question is, “How much longer?” because pain and feeling physical restriction, particularly for you, sweet one, has a tendency to elongate time. It drags. One moment feels like 10 years!

But what you are also doing in that is also expanding into the 36-hour day, and that is necessary because that is part of my Never Ending… think of what I say… Never Ending Wonderful. I did not just come up with a catchy phrase! I am telling you, I am telling everybody – some hear, some don’t – but what the present is… not just the future but the present… the gift, the present is the entering, anchoring, and existing in the Never Ending Wonderful.

That is the Plan! It is completely complex, and so simple, even a two-year-old would understand it. They haven’t forgotten what Never Ending Wonderful is like, and neither have you!

And in this expansion, beloved, that you are already entering, by the way, there is room for more. And I do not mean more work, more work, more work, more pain… more work, more work, more work, more pain. No! More time for your beautiful sacred self, for your creative self, which is extraordinary! …

No, it is not that you have gone awry, but we also never interfere with others’ free will choices. And as you well know, that doesn’t always work out extraordinarily well! [Laughing] That is where they veer into the darkness. “Let me go exploring.” Well, alright!

But anyway, let us get back to the pain. We are keeping some of that over-extension… from the best and most beautiful of motivations, conscious and unconscious… we are keeping them a little at bay. And one of the things you are doing, beloved, is you are working knowingly and unknowingly, diligently, with those that are ready to step up and be the transformers. Not the expellers but the transmuters, the transubstantiators, of this sacred race called Gaian and Nova Gaian.

It is not that you are ignoring everything that is on the periphery, but your primary focus… and they are being presented to you… you are working with those that are ready to take the next step. You are like my general in charge of the entire navy blue navy! And so I will not exhaust you. I will protect you, and I will uplift you, and I will restore you. And then the Father sends you back to work!

I am teasing you, of course! But that is the way it goes because you have always, sweet angel of light, you have always said yes – and when you say yes, very seldom do we say no. So we are not saying no. We are simply adjusting the sphere, the audience, the cadre that you are indeed working with.

Not ‘responsible for’. This is something else you all need to understand. Of course, you feel responsible, which means you really feel engaged and want to help, but you cannot take or assume somebody else’s responsibility. So you are bringing them close enough so that they can actually see what their true, genuine, authentic responsibilities to self and All are.

And that is a work of beauty. And that is not work for the faint-hearted, but you are doing it and you are doing extraordinarily well. Part of you has wondered, “Well, what am I doing, Mother? Well, I want you to know you are doing stellar work – seen, unseen, and everywhere in between! And we are presenting you with opportunities and openings. We don’t want you rushing about. We are bringing these to you.

Your heart, your mind, your being have always been open, even in embryo! And there is part of you that said, “I can’t wait to get there and transform the darkness.” You have done it in and out of form forever. And you are healing it. It is who you are in the entire spectrum of what healing really entails.

You are radiant. You are the beautiful daughter of my heart. It is time to proceed with ease and grace and warm gentleness, kindness, for your sweet self.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn