The rules of engagement that we have spoken of repeatedly, some of you would say ‘ad nauseam’, of honouring and heart-speaking, heart-listening – all of that applies – but the spaciousness of these rules shifts because the Mother has dreamed, and so have you.

AUTUMN EQUINOX ~ 22 September 2024

The Unified Field of One ~ It is a New Game with Different Rules

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters, Saints, Wise Prophets, Enlightened Beings, Star Brothers and Sisters, and Council of Love ~

We are your co-creators, Circle of One, anchors of Unity Heart Consciousness. We come together today to embrace the full, expanded reality and physicality of our sacred starself being, to claim our birthright as the sons and daughters of One, of the one Multiverse, of the one Unified Field of Love. We come to claim our place in this realm of new existence.

We pray this day and every day to move beyond limited understandings and beliefs, to expand our hearts into the Unity of One, to expand our consciousness, our awareness, into the beauty and the fullness of the Mother’s Infinite Creation. We pray for heart expansion and awareness, to fully and joyfully meet and unite with All, with each other, with the seen and unseen, with our Star Family, with our guides, with the elements, and most certainly with Gaia, with Gi’Anna.

We pray to embrace the continuity of existence and the expansion of our understanding as Nova Gaians, as the bearers of hope and peace, of sweetness, of kindness, of gentleness, of fairness. We pray that all ego and self-importance be eliminated from our fields as we join together, right now, as one circle in heart, mind, will, and purpose.

We ask, we pray, for your radiant golden blessings upon each of us and your ever-present assistance in the fulfilment of our soul missions and purposes, and our deepest hearts’ desires, our biggest hopes and dreams. We ask for blessings for our families, for our friends, for our communities, and for this planet.

Amen, Amen, and Amen

*     *     *

Greetings, I AM. I am Source, I am One, I am the Unified Field of One.

You have asked and you have prayed to join in this Sacred Union with All, and so we come as All because this is not a time, a chapter, an infinite minute where there is any form of exclusion. Of course, beloveds, you have always had the free-will, sovereign choice of exclusion. Even in the exclusion, you are part and heart of this Unified Field of One.

So we come to you this day as Infinite Collective, not to overwhelm but to embrace, to welcome you into the sweetness of Creation, into the infinite possibilities that are open to you as we infuse you not only with the Hope and the Love, with the Grace of who you are, and with the Divine Wisdom and Knowing of who you are.

There is no separation. Often this has been called an illusion that has certainly been very prevalent upon Gi’Anna for a very, very long time – and from our perspective, far too long, and I would dare say from yours. Separation is not an illusion, it is delusion. It is that aberration. It is grievous. And at the same time, it is humorous insofar as you have all witnessed the tiny terrors throwing a tantrum, wanting to explore their world or Universe and not being tied to their mother’s aprons, and crying when she disappears for a second.

You are not tied in any way, shape, or form. Your freedom has been honoured.

Now, the Mother has spoken… Gabrielle, Uriel, Jophiel… we have all spoken about the time of conjoining, and the time of conjunction to come within the Divine Radiance. This is merely the expansion of this. Just as we do not override – yes, sometimes interject – but not override your sovereign free will for it is an element of Creation, with and by the Mother and Father, that has been infused out of honouring and out of knowing you. Regardless of where you have travelled, what planetary system you have chosen to emanate in, we know you.

But do not attempt or think erroneously that our free will, that our sovereign divine rights, can also be altered. They cannot. It is the matrix. It is the fundamentals of this Unified Field of One/Source. This has been and is certainly a lesson that has been in unfoldment and learned again and again and again, and most certainly is being learned and experienced upon Gaia at this time.

And she, in her free will, she has not shrugged everything off and said, “I’ve had enough!” She has endured, and she has never failed to blossom and to provide food and air and water. Yes, even when it has been desecrated, she has continued on… and so have we, and so have you. But in the infinite unfoldment of the Mother’s Dream, we have told you, “If the Mother dreams it, it is,” and She has dreamed of Peace.

And yes, this is a planet that has known hiccups of peace and eons of wars. Now her dream is for Peace and Prosperity. [And by] ‘prosperity’, I certainly do not simply mean what you folks think of as money. Of course, that is part of it, but it is a prosperity, an abundance of help, an abundance of spaciousness, an abundance of fluidity, an abundance of knowing, an abundance of community, an abundance of joy.

The time of believing small, because that is all it is, is over!

And you say unto me, “Source, but I am only a speck of dust, of stardust, in an infinite Universe.” An essential, loved, honoured, cherished being, it is too easy to dismiss yourself as a speck of dust, or not important, not an essential component, because you are, because we are part of you and you are part of us.

And so, yes, the Mother pushes the reset button. And what does this mean? It does not mean a bell clanging, “The game is over, everybody pack up and go home.” No. You may change stadiums, you may change hockey rinks, you may change soccer fields, you may change uniforms… it is a new game with different rules.

The rules of engagement that we have spoken of repeatedly, some of you would say ‘ad nauseam’, of honouring and heart-speaking, heart-listening – all of that applies – but the spaciousness of these rules shifts because the Mother has dreamed, and so have you.

It does not mean destruction, except of that which is not real. And you say, “Well, how do I know what is real and what is not real?” Because you go back to what the Mother has taught you: “Is it of Love? Is it of One?”

So yes, we ALL come this day and every day, not only to invite you to the field, to invite you to play – not to referee, not to blow the whistle – but to be part of your team, as you are part of ours, because there is only One.

Welcome! Welcome, my beloved family! Welcome home! Let the games begin!

Channelled by Linda Dillon, 22 September 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn