There is great discussion about when the “Masters” (quote, unquote) will walk the Earth again as if it is some kind of second coming. And I’m not saying they won’t – because they will! – but they are not coming as saviours. They are coming as brothers and sisters and friends and allies because this is the Age, this is the coming of Mastery.

Fadriel ~ Delightful Communion & Conversation With A Guardian Angel

A wonderfully inspiring Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Thadiel from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I AM Fadriel and I welcome you, my beloved brother, our beloved ally. I am honoured always and every day and in every way to speak to you, to be with you in this sacred time, yes, of channelling, but also in this sacred time of change, in this sacred time of unfoldment.

As you well know, the history and our history together is long and it is eternal. I am not a guardian or a guide that comes and goes. We have journeyed together forever, and this is our sacred promise, yes, to one another, but also to the Mother/Father/One and to our family.

You are the adventurer. It is so funny, curious, on the planet how an ‘adventurer’ is often seen as like a buccaneer – oh, you have been a buccaneer; that is why I use that reference, and so it is obvious! – but you are the adventurer of beauty, the anchor of beauty and love.

And I know, my brother, that as you witness situations that are not of love, that are not even of politeness or consideration, it not only hurts you… and you have moved past that… but it confounds you. Honestly, it confounds us as well! Nevertheless, we continue on, arm in arm, hand in hand, heart to heart, for nothing – nothing! – can alter our relationship.

But I am here this day for thee. Where do you wish to begin?

Thadiel: Thank you so much. I think of you every day and know what you do for me and through my difficult times sometimes. You know, over the past year or so, I’ve tried to understand really who I am. I’ve sort of held back a bit, not sure if my ego, if I could control it all. But I feel so close to you all, and maybe it’s possible to know a bit more about our lives and what that means.

F: You have been in this Union – we have been in this Union – for a very long time. And even if we were to discuss [solely] the earthly planetary experiences, it would be a great deal!

You have travelled all over this beautiful planet, and you have often planned/been guided/ sought to go here – of course, with me always by your side – during times of… I won’t say change or becoming or upheaval, but certainly pivotal intersections of unfoldment. How is that for putting it vaguely and clearly? [Chuckling]

In ancient, ancient times you have been with this channel and many of this circle, including your Star Family, upon Zahara… yes, with a Z… long ago. This was a beautiful oasis, really one of the first Cities of Light – yes, with St. Germaine basically at the helm – and it was a place of beauty and peace. And you thrived there. They all did (this circle that we mention).

And one of your favourite things with your beloved friend and ally, Linda – with all of you – was to ride across the desert sands by the light of the full moon and to sit and watch the moon cross and the sun rise. It was indeed a City of Light of such spectacular beauty, it was a city of flowers, of lushness, and one day they will in fact discover the ruins underneath the miles of sand. But that does not matter.

You have been in India many times, and you have walked in that tradition, yes, mostly as Hindu; you have walked with the Buddha; you have walked with Lao Tzu; you have journeyed to be part of the unfoldment. And as Raj has indicated, in many ways, beloved, you are the keeper of the memory of beauty so that you could not only seek and find it, restore it, but ensure that it has been integral – integral! – during this time, this sacred time of Passover.

You have journeyed away from Egypt and again into the desert, for the desert is your ancient friend. And you have walked with Yeshua and the Magdalena. You have been trusted guardian for Samuel, and it broke your heart when he left. And in many ways, he has continued, as you know, as part of your family, to watch over your beloved son the way you have watched over him as a wee child.

One of your greatest strengths – other than your loyalty, your truth, and your love – is to find and share the beauty, even when it has been migrations to new lands, or to new planets for that matter. You’ve sailed the seas from Europe, from Spain, from Portugal to the new land called the Americas, and you have done so with St. Germaine.

But you did not seek adventure for adventure’s sake. You sought it to carry and bring and recognise the beauty in the ordinary and the extraordinary – and to see the extraordinary in the ordinary whether it is land, air, people or culture. It is what you do.

And yes, you do have a very different perspective at times. But that is important because even before you even thought about these things… which is never!… you have said, “Well, have you looked at this this way? When you look at it from this angle, what do you see? When you look at this Garden of Eden, what do you see? Do you see the beauty or do you see the serpent? And if you see the serpent, do you see the beauty in the serpent, in the beautiful scales and sinuous body?”

In beauty, which is what you do, there is such deep discernment. And of course, you of all people know that one person’s vision of beauty is very different, but there is room for everything and there are different perspectives on everything. It does not matter whether it is a slice of cheese or a City of Light, you understand especially, as your beloved, that there are many, many pathways and each one has the potential and is sacred.

Now, what ‘bothers’ you… yes, I do use that word… is that when people do not choose to see the sacred nature of their choices, when they pretend – because that is what it is –  when humans choose to be unaware, they are choosing to be blind. So it bothers you when people choose to be unaware… and unaware of in fact the feast – and yes, the Mother is using that word very decidedly – the feast that is laid out not only as a collective feast but as a very individual feast because she knows you.

And I, for example, as your guardian, as your brother, I am always presenting ideas and entreaties to the Mother on your behalf, on our behalf, because there is no separation. All these adventures – and I have had some in form with you – we have had momentous times incarnated together, hand in hand. Yes, sometimes as brothers, sometimes as friends, sometimes as a couple, it matters not, for you have done it all and so have I. This is the time to share the feast!

And it is the time… there is great discussion about when the “Masters” (quote, unquote) will walk the Earth again as if it is some kind of second coming. And I’m not saying they won’t – because they will! – but they are not coming as saviours. They are coming as brothers and sisters and friends and allies because this is the Age, this is the coming of Mastery.

Mastery does not mean in any way, shape or form ‘control or leadership’ as it has been defined by abusive, violent beings. It is mastery because it is the creative power of the inhabited self in human form to create.

And so it is not the Plan of the Mother that a bunch come to do it for you. No, no, no! That is what you are doing, beloved, in creating these Cities of Light. You are assuming your mastery and you are saying, “Yes, I choose to exercise what I already know and what I have known for a million years.”

Does this help at all?

T: It does so much, thank you. I’m feeling so much a part of that and I thank you. I start to also be interested in when Earth is where it’s supposed to be and all the Cities of Light are created, so what does my life look like after that?

F: It looks glorious!

Now, when I say that you are an adventurer, that we are adventurers, and that there is a cadre of us, seen and unseen, who are adventurers – and that is one of the reasons why Sanat Kumara has come and reminded you of the adventure of moving from Venus to Terra Gaia so that the spread of beauty and love moved throughout the Galaxy.

When you say, “What will my life look like?” First of all, let us say that you have decided, shall we put it that way… because it is the language that you use… it is part of your contract or design that you want to see the fulfilment. Of course, you will not see it necessarily 10,000 years hence, but you want to see the emergence of this peaceful beauty, love.

You want to see it. That is why you have come, and you have come, and you have come, and you have come! So to not stay and participate, and to witness and just enjoy it, would be incomplete at best.

So when you say, “What does my life look like?” it is one of fellowship. It is one where you are standing in a garden with a friend and you can say, “Isn’t this beautiful; I particularly like this plant,” and in that is the entire experience of the beauty of what has been wrought. It is a sense of deep peace and joy.

It is a curious thing how, when people die or leave their bodies, they say, “Oh, now they are at peace.” Well, yes, that is true, but the Plan is to be in the truth of peace while in body! If there is one thing I would point to that is the shift, that is it.

And what people claim is peace or peace-full still contains, at this juncture, that level of uncertainty: “I’m going to grab this sense of peace while I can, because who knows about tomorrow.” That is not peace. It’s not true love or beauty.

So that is what you wish to see. Then, I dare say… well, when you do come home – and that will be quite a while from now – but when you do come home… now, I do not write your script; we do formulate it and plan together… but no doubt, in this cadre of buccaneers, we will simply go to the next planet and continue on! No, not in a repeat… let us be very clear… not in a repeat of the struggles that have been so immense here… but in the enjoyment because one of the constructs of what is happening here is that ripple effect.

So you might well go to Neptune. They say it is a dead planet. That is ridiculous! There is no such thing as a dead planet. But you may well come home to CeeCeeCee, or even travel for a while with your Halion brothers. It is infinitely open… and we have always, always been up for the next adventure!

And yes, it is true. You do tend to gather your family, your circle, around you as if you are voyaging yet again across the Atlantic and saying, “Okay, now, together, on the same ship, let’s go there!” And beloved, that is what you do so you don’t leave those you love behind. Even those that have gone ahead of you are waiting. And then you wait. And then, when you are all gathered, you take off. It is the way it has been for a very, very long time.

I can tell you that you are finished with onerous… onerous tasks! You are ready! There has been much heaviness in this particular journey, shall I put it that way, but I am with you every single step of the way, every breath, every blink, every hour, every minute. I am with you.

T: Thank you. I know that. It’s just wonderful. Thank you so much.

F: You are so welcome and you are so loved. Go, my friend, my brother, my other in peace, in the deepest real peace.


Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn