It is critical that those of you who hold the centre, who acknowledge and embrace your ascended self, who understand the community of One, that you hold this hope, this peace, this truth, this Love as the sacred trust it is and that you are holding for many.

Archangel Michael ~ Hold the Centre!

Another very uplifting Channelled Gem generously shared by Andrew from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Andrew: Before I speak with my beloved again, I don’t know if you have any additional things to add or information to be shared generally with people?

AAM: Dearest heart, you have been stalwart – and yes, I do mean those in the collective who have also, with you, held the vision. But I speak to you and I speak to your hearts. You have been stalwart and you have held at times graciously, at times stubbornly, at times by the skin of your teeth, the edge of your nails.

You have held and you have not succumbed to doubt. You have leaned into what is absolutely necessary for everything, which is your faith, your hope, your trust, and your knowing. You have done well and for this we commend you.

This has not been a smooth journey. This has not been a smooth unfoldment of Ascension.  Does it go forward? Most certainly, because that is the Mother’s Plan and that is why there have been, certainly in recent years, such divine intervention, intercession – because it is the Mother’s Plan and what the Mother dreams is.  It is that simple.

It is already created. It is simply waiting for the humans to discover it.  It is that curiosity, shall we say, about timewaves and who is traveling on what current of time and in what bracket of time. No, we do not mean to make this a lesson in quantum physics. But what we do say: remain true to your sacred self because that is who you are; that is why you have come to this beautiful planet at this time.

And has there been – and I say this as the Archangel of Peace – there has been too much devastation. There has been too much destruction, And the physical aberrations, yes, I guess it has pushed the humans to look for alternative solutions. But it has not really created the Garden of Eden on planet. It has not allowed the Cities of Light to blossom.  All it has done is tear down the physical to lay rubble on the face of this Archangel Gi’Anna, which is an abomination.

Will it be cleaned up in a millisecond?  Yes, it will. But it is critical that those of you who hold the centre, who acknowledge and embrace your ascended self, who understand the community of One, that you hold this hope, this peace, this truth, this Love as the sacred trust it is and that you are holding for many.

Many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, when there is an inheritance to be had, perhaps a fine porcelain cup that is a work of beauty, that the parent is gentle with, tucking it away, knowing that at one point the child will have it and it will be part of their legacy. Well, that is what you are doing. That is what all of you are doing.

You are holding this very fragile porcelain cup for the children – for the new children of Earth, for the children to come, for the Magentas and the Rainbows, the Crystals, it matters not – because this has been entrusted to you. That is why you have come as the elders, as the sages, as the healers, as the teachers.

So hold the centre! It may appear rocky. Stand firm and know that we are with you every step of the way.  You are so loved, beloved brother, brother of my heart, brother of my soul.

Go with my peace, farewell.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn