You are in The Return to Love, and beloveds, you are The Return to Love.

HEART CALL ~ September 2024

Archangel Gabrielle speaks to Purity and The Return to Love

Greetings, I am Gabrielle. I am Gabriel, I am Gabrielle, I am Lily of Love and Trumpet of Truth and Spokesbeing for this Council, this Council of Love, this Council of One, this Council of All, and welcome! Welcome, sweet angels of change, creators of the New, anchors of the New – and I could even say creators of the old and destroyers of the old.

This word ‘destruction’ is far too often avoided because it is seen as something cruel or unjust, violent, aberrant. Not necessarily. Beloved ones, all of you, and yes, I do remind you this day and every day of Purity because it is the starting and the finishing point. So often, Purity is seen as something that belongs elsewhere, perhaps to an innocent child or someone who sits in the corner and does not participate in life, in all life, in all creation.

Because as you know, as you had ventured forth as the Mother’s angels, agents of change, you get stuck. You experience the melee, the conflict, the aberrations – name it what you want. And sometimes you say, “I am not myself. Oh, I have been attacked.” And then you say, “I don’t have anything on me,” in a superior way. Purity is none of that.

In its most simple form, in everything you do, from feeding the dog to changing the world, Purity is the gift. It is the offering of your essence. We have given this to you long ago, and we have given it to thee again and again and again. But what are we really doing when we do this? Well, I will tell you. We are reminding you. We are bringing to the forefront the truth and the essence of who you are.

We are reminding you, and yes, expanding you – monumentally expanding you – into the Purity and Truth and Essence of who you are. This is not something you need to diligently work on or acquire, or even receive for that matter. It is part of your DNA – your physical, mental, spiritual, hereditary DNA – and the reason I bring this to your attention, beloved ones, this day and every day, is because you forget.

That is no misstep. You all forget things from time to time, sometimes because you cannot bear to look at it, and sometimes simply because it does not garner your attention. But it is the essence.

When I say that I have the deep, profound honour to be the Spokesbeing for this Council, [though] I do not speak in this capacity very often, I am doing so, yes, to activate. The Mother speaks of her reset, that the button most certainly has already been pushed. It is not a matter of working and working and working and toiling and wondering, pondering, if you are ever going to get out from under – if this world, this Galaxy, is ever going to get out from under.

You are leaving that behind. You are shedding that skin. You are breaking out of that cocoon and you are into the light of a brand new day. You are in The Return to Love, and beloveds, you are The Return to Love.

Now I know, for many, I am not your favourite archangel, for perhaps you prefer the shield and sword of my dear brother Mi-ka-el or the gentle Silver Flame of Uriel. I am the unspoken and outspoken one, but sweet angels, so are you! And no, I do not ask you – we would never ask you – to get on a soapbox to point out to others their misconceptions. No, because that puts up all the protective shields.

What you do is exactly what we do. You embrace the person, you embrace the issue, and yes, you coat it with pearlescent white, the milky pinky white, the radiant blue, the deepest magenta, it matters not. And you say, “I see you. I see you. And I see the purity of your heart. And I see that you also want to find that third rail, that new alternative route that does not lead through the valley of death and desperation.”

And you say, “Let’s talk,” or “Let’s sit. Let us share our hearts,” because that, sweet angels, is where the transformation takes place. It can never take place in shame or ridicule, criticising.

Long ago… and I remind you of this, and her [the channel] earlier this week… there are many stories and mythologies about Lucifer who has long been brought home because the Mother missed him. She loved him and She missed him. Did he misstep? [Chuckling] Monumentally! And She sent Mi-ka-el – and of course, where he goes, I go – to bring our brother Lucifer back… and all the fallen angels of which there are many right here… to bring him home that he would be refilled with the Purity and Love.

Now, do you think that when Mi-ka-el went for that engagement, or when he came home, that we sat there and reviewed his list of misdeeds? How he was wrong, where he went wrong? He was embraced, he was enfolded, like every being who has ever gone awry.

And what do we mean when we say ‘gone awry’? We mean any and all beings who, whether it is for one second or a million years, forgot that they are Love, that they are the Purity, and they are of the One. And any feeling or belief of separation is simply illusion, not to be fought over, but to quietly, joyfully, kindly, compassionately be brought back into the fold.

You do not create this Nova Earth by looking back and counting the grievances. It does not work. That is not how creation works. Beloveds, you do it by embracing your intention, your plea, your dream, your hope, and then in the purity of that intention, and yes, stepping into the void, stepping into the stillpoint, and taking action. And the action is not negative behaviour, attitudes, thoughts. It is the Divine Neutrality to see what truly is.

When I look at you, which I love to do, I see that you are me. I AM you. So take this veil, this wedding veil of Purity. Do not let it cover or distort your eyes because, as you are the wayshower, as you are the gentle shepherd, you need to see clearly, far beyond the horizon.  This is not something you have to learn. It is something you know, and you always have.

So come with us. Come and live with us, play with us, create with us and each other upon this Nova Earth, upon my sister Gi’Anna, and do not leave us forgotten and unemployed for we want to play with you. We want to be with you in this time of miraculous… yes, miraculous becoming.

You are so cherished and so loved. Let us do this together.

Go with all of our love, all of our peace, and of course, all of my Bubbles of Golden Joy.


Channelled by Linda Dillon, 7 September 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn