I am honoured to say that, with the greatest glee, the reset has happened, the buttons have been pushed, the activation has already taken place! Galea of Neptune

HEART CALL – August 2024

GALEA, GAIA & THE MOTHER introduce “Heart Songs” in A Celebration of Love

[“Yeshua’s Infinite Love” plays]


Greetings, I am Galea, I am Galea of Neptune, Communications Officer, Senior Communications Officer of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and I welcome you.

I welcome you, Star Brothers and Sisters – earthkeepers, hybrids, ancestors. And yes, I welcome you to this Council, and I welcome you to Intergalactic Council, I welcome you to the Council Fire of Gaia. I simply welcome you because, whether you know it or not, we are the brothers and sisters of your heart as well. Together, we have been at this a long time, have we not?

As Communications Officer, I modulate frequencies. We do not just send frequencies to the planet, or to your being, or to your heart. We do not just receive frequencies. We do not just transmit throughout the Universe. They are very modulated. They are harmonized, they are controlled, they are balanced, and this has become even more profound in the Mother’s New Time – in the creation of a different timewave, a different way for this beautiful Gaia, for our beloved Archangel Gaia/Gi’Anna.

And in this, in the longer waves, comes greater receptivity of the entire human race – and by the way, far beyond – to actually receive the energies that we are not only sending but that we are sharing with you. We have come here long ago, very long ago, with one purpose: to share our hearts, our lives, our loves, and yes, this planet.

In the realm of recent human history, there has been a dysfunctional frequency of assuming that when strangers come, they wish to control or oversee or become somehow head or top of the hierarchy. That is not who we are, it is not who we have ever been, for those lessons and that wisdom have been learned long ago. We have come in kinship, in friendship, and our patience [chuckling] sometimes has been tried, but it has always been true.

We have worked, we have held Gaia, so that she did not slip off her axis. We have infused each of you, and of course the planet. The kingdoms are well aware, for we are in harmony consciously with them. We have infused the Delegations. We have reached a place of cooperation, of unity, of understanding, and a plan of unfoldment. It is all in place.

And I say that, I am honoured to say that, with the greatest glee, the reset has happened, the buttons have been pushed, the activation has already taken place! And what you are in, dearest hearts, is the unfoldment not only of your plan, not only of our Plan, it is all of our Plan because it is the Mother’s Plan, it is the Father’s Plan, and it is so much better than any being – galactic, intergalactic, human, hybrid – can possibly imagine.

And it is a Plan that is free of strife, and war, and hatred, and cruelty, and violence – yes, of all of that – and you say, “Well, Galea, it’s good to talk to you again… and by the way, how do we know this? How do we proceed?” And what you do is you proceed with your hearts and you open, and you allow, and you expand into the New Time.

The frequencies have been modulated, and yes, are constantly being amplified, turned up, in your terms. Not that it creates a buzzing in your head or the high frequency – that is the sound of God. It is adjusting the collective frequency simply to be open.

You do not have to have all the answers. You do not have to have all the plans. Do you need to be willing to seek the answers, to take the actions? Of course. But when we join together, when you allow this infusion with love, it simply attunes. And this is what we are doing with sound and frequency – and fun, playfulness, and joy!

So we are joined by many this day, yes, including Yahweh, Sanat Kumara, the Mother, the Father, but let us hear from the guardian and the keeper of the promise for Gaia. Isaac, please play Return to Clay.

[“Wakanataka – Return to Clay” plays]

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Greetings, I am Gaia, I am Gi’Anna, I am your Mother Earth and you are keepers of my flame, each of you in different ways. And so I remind you of this.

As mature beings, as one who tends to their Mother and who plants the seeds to ensure that there is a harvest, I seek greater partnership with thee. I seek greater union with thee. Yes, as a collective, but I am talking to you, to your heart, to your being. And you can say, “Well, I’m not really one of those earthkeepers. I am more with the stars, or the angels, or the archangels.” Well, I suggest to you, you are sitting on my face!

And I have nurtured you and you have thrived. Yes, even in the darkest night of your soul, I have held you, as the Mother above has held you. I am not some distant entity, I am your Mother. And some of you say, “Oh, my mother was awful, and she was abusive.” All the more reason, sweet ones, to turn to me, to allow me, to allow us to have the relationship that I seek and that you have sought by the mere fact that you have come here.

You did not say to the Mother, “I think I will go to Venus for a while,” or Electra, or one of your other zzz planets. Even as you were home, I whispered in your ear and I said, “Come home. Come be with me so that you can witness and be part of the rebirth of love, of new ways of being, of true angels in form.” It does not matter what Galaxy you are from, I know them all! It is my extended family, you know!

Step outside. Look at your house plants. Better yet, breathe air. All of this is of me. It is not something you have to earn or work at. All you have to do is say yes.

It is time for harmonising in every imaginable way. Everything has not been created, because you are participants, so you are not arriving with everything in place. It is a co-creation with millions from the stars and millions on the Earth. The Delegations alone have a plan of unfoldment, and it is of Unity and Community. The Cities of Light emerge. So yes, in the silence, and in the silence of the words, in the silence of the sound is everything!

We have told you repeatedly that love travels at the speed of light squared. So it is unfathomable. You can’t get your hands around it. So we’re slowing everything down so that you can feel it, so that you can know it, so that you can be in health and harmony.

It is a time for healing, beloveds, of all descriptions – of my scars and bruises, and yours, visible and not. We heal, together, as one family and one heart.

So I ask Isaac to bless you with the Song of the Archangels to remind you yet of another who joins you. Yes, you may begin now.

[“Song of the Archangels” plays]

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I am Galea of Neptune, and yes, we continue in this Celebration of Love.

Sweet angels, do not fear new forms, different forms of partnership, of creativity, of the manifestation of your dreams, of the manifestation of your hearts, and the anchoring of your visions into form – and to be open, sweet ones, to many forms. We have many, many forms of artistry, of creation, in our realm.

Now what has been taking place, to continue the conversation, is the frequencies are being modulated to come together, so that is does not feel like a distant reach for either one of us. Several of you are communications officers, others of you are experts working in the creation chambers. The Halion Engineers emerge with such might reconstructing, recreating, bringing forth Cities of Light, Temples of Love.

Nothing… nothing other than desecration… desecration is off the table… hatred, cruelty, is off the table… but other than that, beloveds, make your choices and proceed.

We will proceed with the Cities of Light, Isaac.

[“Cities of Light” plays]

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Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of One, Mother of All. Yes, in many ways, this is a Mother’s Day, is it not? It is not a gender. It is not just a birthing. It is the Spirit of Love, it is the anchoring of Hope, and you, my beloved ones, my sweet angels in form, you are being reborn.

Think of it in this way. In a human physical realm, when the foetus, when that beautiful infant, when that baby child is ready to emerge, there is a great deal of chaos even though it is not named as such. There are labour pains, and the child within wonders what is going on and “I do not want to be pushed out – and yes, I can’t wait to see the new world!” And it is filled with speculation and excitement and anxiety, and not knowing which way is up! That has need to come to an end… this dizziness… no, not of you, but yes, of the collective.

Often, I have said to my channel, “Practice courage; be fearless in what you do; be cognizant of what you do, and then proceed.” There is a human tendency to want to know the end product, the end of the story. Sweet angels, this story is infinite and it is ongoing.

But what I do say unto you as your Mother, as the one that has birthed you… and some of you, many times, you have returned home, you have stayed around and said, “Alright, I will try again.” You are fearless. And you are brilliant. And the answers for this birthing of Nova Earth, for this anchoring of Nova Being, do not depend on knowing every detail of the outcome. It depends on saying yes and being ready to go, and you are past ready! And the reset has already been done.

So embrace each other! Embrace each other in joy! Embrace me, as I embrace you! Eternally, infinitely, yes, in this ever-expanding reality of Love.

I do not interfere with free will, but I will tell you what we do do. We are very strong influencers, and when we modulate and adjust the frequencies and the vibratory rates that you are being penetrated with – and when I say ‘you’, I mean all 8 billion of you – change occurs. And that has been done, and it will continue to be done, not overriding but creating a certain level of awakening, because you deserve it.

You are the truest of the true, the bravest of the brave, and you have persevered. And you have embraced Love, and the knowing of what Joy feels like. And you know what your Divine Authority feels like. And you know what it is to stand back from judgement and to embrace each other in the Truth – and the wonderful array of Truth – of who you are.

So yes, let us proceed!

And of course, our sweet Gabrielle, she gives you her effervescent Golden Bubbles of Joy. Isaac, you may proceed with Joy’s Heart Awakens.

[“Joy’s Heart Awakens with Archangel Gabrielle” plays]

*** Link to purchase “Heart Songs”

Channelled by Linda Dillon, 3 August 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn