…you are ready – and when I say “you”, I mean the human collective. Even with the most recalcitrant, they can be ready, let me put it that way, to be in sacred union, friendship, love, partnership, association, community…

Archangel Michael ~ Things Are Unfolding Rapidly

An exciting Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Andrew from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, beloved brother of blue, beloved brother of love, beloved brother of Gaia, for that is what so many of you have come to this planet for.  If you are just to place a singular purpose, it is to restore the Love, it is to resurrect the Love, it is to teach the Love, and it is to be the Love.

When I say, “I am Warrior,” I do not mean in the sense of harm and injury, of ascendancy over.  You cannot fight for peace, you cannot fight for love, that is a literal impossibility. You only achieve these states of being by being in these states of being, by allowing your beautiful self to literally anchor, to exhibit, to inhabit the truth of who you are.

And it has never been, not for a single being upon this planet, it has never been to harm, abuse, raise above, deny another’s beauty and right and essence because that is what violence or abuse of any kind entails. It is a human pattern of misplaced… to put it mildly… misplaced ego that creates an illusion that one is somehow superior, and therefore has authority over another being.

And it does not matter whether it is a caterpillar or a flower or a human being, it is not the way of Love.  And this is what the humans are awakening to.  And that is what the Divine Radiance and the Tsunami of One are infusing into the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Yes, it is an individual, massive adjustment for many, but it does not need to be a lengthy, boring, painful adjustment. Quite the contrary.

All it has need to be is that embrace of Truth, that embrace of Love, to allow it.  Yes, it is a Tsunami, but the Tsunami can be experienced like a gentle breeze, like fresh air on a spring day, like a gentle rain that refreshes and quenches the thirst and the flowers. It does not embody devastation and destruction.

The New is the surrender of the old.  It is not the tearing away, because when tearing away, when abuse or violence or force of any kind is utilised, what occurs, particularly with humans, is they become defensive – and in that defensiveness they resist, and that makes their ego beliefs reinforced and makes them think that they are right, even as they are seeking alternatives.

So this is a time of surrender and this is a time of picking up new mantles of authority, new ideas, new behaviours, new patterns of existence. That is what the Mother’s NEW is about – her Never Ending Wonderful.  It is about humans – yes, in their ascended wisdom and in their common sense – saying, “We must find a different path, and that is a path that is inclusive of All and is fuelled and inclusive of Love.”

It cannot be that some are invited and some are expelled – yes, even those… and we might say, even at moments, especially those… who have embraced the most egregious behaviours, the most offensive belief systems – because, if they are left out in the external cold, they will simply continue that pattern and that benefits no one.

Yes, many upon the planet depart at this moment, some because they are completely soul-weary and have been in this confrontation mode, hanging-on mode, survival mode. We are shifting from survival to thrival, and it is time. I am not talking about next year. I am talking about right now in your time, in the Mother’s Time, in our time, and all the little brackets of time within time which humans have not really come to fully understand.  And that is all right. There is enough to comprehend at this moment! [Chuckling]

But I say this unto you, my brother, because this is the time of laying down grievances and weapons – and make no mistake about it, words can be and have been very strongly used as weapons.  Words, yes, can be as cruel, even more cruel, than offensive actions because sound travels in the Light and the Light in the sound – and in that, there should only be Love because that is what penetrates, that is what uplifts, that is what transforms, transmutes, eliminates.

And so that is where you are at this moment. You are extending, and holding, and anchoring, and extending again the kindness – the kindness, the sweetness, the caring, the nurturing of your sacred self. In this life, and many lives, you have been physician. You know how to extend kindness, you know how to nurture, you know how to heal the broken hearts – and that is what you do, and that is what we do with you, through you, and to you.

You are stronger than you think. Yes, the mobility will come and the vision will come because, right now, what you feel with what is going on in the human race and upon Gaia is there is almost like a split screen.  And so, on the one hand, you are looking at something, and it really can’t literally come into focus and it is confusing; it is like it does not compute in your brain, in your spheres.

And then what do you do?  You have to bring light to be able to literally discern what it is that’s needed, desired, wanted, necessary.  And what is necessary – and what has always, always been necessary – is Unconditional Love, Love without brackets, Love without any form of conditions. You know this with your beloved Ellisianna, as she does with you. Now, of course, that is a sacred union partnership, heart to heart and back again to heart, but that is the paradigm.

Of course, you will not be in intimate passionate relationship with every human being, but what you are saying, declaring, is you are ready – and when I say “you”, I mean the human collective. Even with the most recalcitrant, they can be ready, let me put it that way, to be in sacred union, friendship, love, partnership, association, community… because there is only one human collective.

This idea of sides, of factions, of privilege and destitution, that is absurd! And you know because you have lived on both sides of this, and you know what it is to have and you know what it is to not have, and you cross that line with fluidity and, might I say, my dearest brother, with grace. So you are holding this pattern for many, and particularly for your beloved City of Light.

Things are unfolding rapidly, and they need to, so hang on!

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Edited by Ellen Nairn