And so my plea to you: Will you join us? Will you join us in Unity? Will you honour not only the physical life of another human/hybrid, will you honour the trees and the plants, the mountains, the streams? Will you honour the four-leggeds, the winged ones, and yes, even the creepy crawlies?

Gaia’s Summer Solstice 2024 Message ~ Unity Has Been My Dream

I AM Gaia, and yes, I am known by many, in many ways. But I come to you this day in my planetary form, not as Gi’Anna, and not that there is such separation anyway, but I come to you as Gaia because I want to address you, my brothers and sisters and inhabitants. And I will begin by saying and echoing Mother by telling you how much I love you. I have always loved you, not only in this lifetime but for a very long time.

Yes, I especially treasure the design the Mother has made so that when you come as infant and baby, you crawl upon my face. I love babies! In many ways, that is why Spring is such a special time and why we have these variations of seasons because it is the patterning that the Mother has created, that there are seasons to life and death, and life and death.

But I come as Earth Mother, and I come to speak to you about Unity. This has been my dream, and yes, I trust when the Mother says, “If you dream it, it will be.”

I have lived, survived, and at times thrived through many chapters of the evolution on my being, with my being. I have seen species and kingdoms come and go, and at one point, not so long ago, I did not think, I did not wish to continue on. But you – you, my lightworker, loveholder, Earth cherishers – have sent me all your healing energy and we have continued on, sometimes wobbling, sometimes in the greatest splendour.

Some of our kingdoms, some of our species departed. And I have told you this before. Many of those… what people think of as extinct species/beings… are returning. Oh, they’re not returning to Grand Central Station! We are putting them where they are safe and hidden from human destructive tendencies.

And I also speak for the fairies and dwarves and the leprechauns. Yes, so often they are called ‘little people’ or ‘little beings, tiny beings’. They shrank in order to survive because the mayhem that the humans were creating was too much, and their desire to simply kill anything that did not look like them… Well, you have grown, and you are wiser.

Now I am in… and have been for a very long time… how could I not be in Unity with me? And therefore, everything upon me? I am Unity with the trees and the elephants, the mountains and the seas, the dolphins and the snakes. We are One, all uniquely different, and all in Unity Consciousness. Now, what does that mean, because this is important for the humans to understand?

When there is a thought… yes, you define thought in one way… think of it as thought, not just your mental constructs. That’s what has gotten you into so much trouble. When you think, heart think. When you speak, heart speak. We are not attempting nor would we like to eliminate the brilliance of your brain, which is far more refined than any artificial intelligence, because it is anchored in Heart Consciousness.

But when you are there, when I think ‘this ocean is too hot, it is in a danger zone’, through my essence, through the Golden Grid that Gabrielle keeps shining, that is communicated out. Of course, first say to the ocean concerned but to all the life within that ocean, not just the affected areas, the message goes out and touches the land and the sky and what you think of as the sun and moon, and adjustments are made.

And I’m telling you, there have been many adjustments. Let us call them that because humans aren’t helping enough. No, I’m not angry, but I am hurt.

And so my plea to you: Will you join us? Will you join us in Unity? Will you honour not only the physical life of another human/hybrid, will you honour the trees and the plants, the mountains, the streams? Will you honour the four-leggeds, the winged ones, and yes, even the creepy crawlies?

Can you open your heart? Because I know you can. And can you open your mind, yes, to commit to this, but also to do it? This is not you saying, “I made a contribution, I sent some money to save the whales or Greenpeace.” That is wonderful, and that is powerful, but it is not engagement at the level I am talking about.

And before you start DOing, I ask you to come and be with us, just to very simply BE.

Think of it. If you run into a friend whom you have been best friends with for years and years, and you are hugging and kissing and crying, saying, “I missed you! What have you been up to?” and then you make a plan to do something together because you share the heart, that is how you get to Unity!

It is not just a verbal declaration, and it most certainly is not a mental one. The mental body provides information and solutions that cannot be ignored. It is harmonious. You cannot delineate parts of yourself. The same way I refuse, I will not allow parts of myself to be desecrated so that humans can feel arrogant and abusive. That time is over!

So I ask you to join with me heart to heart. I have held, we have held the Council Fire for so long, yes, with many, including your Star Family, and we are with you.

So my question to you is, “Will you be with me, with us, in love, in action, in harmony, in grace, in compassion, in creation, creation of the Cities of Light?” Your future is waiting for you, very impatiently, I might add! We all are!

So this is my plea to conjoin side by side. Not above or below. I am bigger than you, but we are equal. We are all equal.

I love you, and sweet angels, I trust you. I trust you not only because of the Mother’s declaration but because I know you and I love you. So please trust me and honour me, nurture me, as I have nurtured you.


Channelled by Linda Dillon, 20 June 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn