I ask you to do this because this is your home, and your birthright, and your dream. You’ve moved beyond and you are ready for peace in the true meaning of harvest, of camaraderie.

Chief Joseph’s Summer Solstice 2024 Message ~ Let Us Wage Peace For All Beings

I am Joseph, and yes, I have called you here, and I thank you for coming to this Peace Accord between all beings for the love of our Mother Planet and our Mother/Father/One, Great Spirit Wakanataka.

And yes, I have chosen, I have asked to come back to this place of Oregon, the place where I have been expelled to and imprisoned and controlled, where I was made to leave the land that I so loved, the rivers and the mountains. And I urged my people to agree because I knew of the violence. I would wonder, and I would talk to Great Spirit, because how could these be men like me that would do such a thing? The land belongs to everyone.

It is not that we are not familiar with disagreements and fights, but we are not talking martyrdom. We are not talking enslavement. And yet that is what had occurred for so many of us, and that can never come to pass again. And you know I have said I will fight no more forever, and I keep that promise. And I ask you to keep that promise because the fighting honours no one. It is a desecration of the Earth Mother and the animals. It is a desecration of the land and the sky.

So I ask you to this place today to re-anchor peace, to heal those wounds of war, so that no being on the total surface of Gaia will know such a pain, will not be forced, enslaved. It is all about meeting in the middle where the flowers blossom and the birds sing, and where we can dance around the wheel and celebrate the birth of children, the marriage of love, the death of our elders.

I will not fight in taking up arms and killing, but I continue to wage peace for all beings. All are included in this Circle of One. There is only one Mother Earth. There is only one Great Spirit. There is only One, and so we come together as One.

I do not ask you to do this in honouring me. I ask you to do this because this is your home, and your birthright, and your dream. You’ve moved beyond and you are ready for peace in the true meaning of harvest, of camaraderie.

So come and lie, sit up and dance, gaze at the moon and the stars with me. We will heal this place of desecration, and then we will depart, and I will go back to my mountain home.

We are with you. And yes, go in peace, go in prosperity. We know about prosperity!

And go in love.


Channelled by Linda Dillon, 20 June 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn