What is important – and this is true for many – is your engagement with your physical self, with this form that you and we, Michael and the Mother, have designed and formulated for this particular journey and sojourn upon sweet Gaia.

Another important and timely Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Andrew from his reading with Linda Dillon and his Guardian Angel, Valdar.

Valdar ~ Honouring & Caring for your Beloved Body and Physicality

Andrew: I wonder if you can just reassure me that this further physical improvement will take place.

Valdar: The answer is yes, you will continue to improve. And yes, you do need to work, play, and enjoy the reconstruction of your muscular systems… in fact, of your entire body… and you know that those renovations are already underway.

It is important, beloved one, that you maintain a high quotient of physicality and movement, even if it is [simply] from room to room, bedroom to bathroom, bathroom to kitchen, but to keep moving and, as soon as possible, to even take a few steps outside because it is important that this level of physicality, yes, be strengthened.

But what is also important – and this is true for many – is your engagement with your physical self, with this form that you and we, Michael and the Mother, have designed and formulated for this particular journey and sojourn upon sweet Gaia. So the physical cannot, must not… and you know we very seldom say “must” or “should”… but it must not be ignored.

So we will assist you and you will assist you in the continuation of building the strength, and yes, the muscle memory, because the Plan – your plan and our Plan – is that you continue to engage in the physical realm, as well as every other realm, by the way, of physicality upon the planet and within the collective construct.

Humans have so often fallen into various, shall we say, paradigms or patterns. There are those – and you know this as physician – who are completely obsessed and all the attention goes to their physical self. And what is curious in this is that it does not really matter. Well, it matters, but not in a differentiation kind of way!

There are those who take their body, day in and day out, feeding it, exercising it, beautifying it, taking care of it because that is their primary focus. But these are also just a negative or positive reflection of those who spend their days creating dis-ease and unease, and again all the attention goes to their physical self, to their maladies, to their discomfort, to their weaknesses.

Neither is living in the fullness of who they really are. It is a curious mirror effect of those who are obsessed with physicality, and those who are obsessed with just restricting themselves – because they are not restricted in any way! – restricting themselves to the third-dimensional reality. It is so peculiar. And then, of course, there are those who live only in their mental body or their emotional body.

The gift is the totality of the planet, of the Galaxy, of this Universe that you occupy. And so the physical body, in partnership with every aspect of yourself and every aspect of this planet, has need to be honoured and kept strong. Far too often – and this is particularly true of lightworkers/loveholders, with due cause and good reason – [the tendency] has been to escape the body.

But now, in this new time, the body, the physicality – and all the elements of being such as mental/emotional/spiritual/causal/astral, etc. – have need to be integrated into this Unified Field of One because your Unified Field of One is reflective of the Unified Field of your Galaxy, the Unified Field of the Mother’s Omniverse, the Unified Field of where you come from, and certainly the Unified Field of One.

So continue to pay attention to your beloved body, as we will as well, and enjoy it! That is the key. It is not to be held prisoner or made prince. It is simply to be in the balance and to enjoy it!

Channelled by Linda Dillon, 18 April 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn