It is only now that the momentum is of humans saying yes – and saying yes basically to love – because this is a love construct, it is a love offering, and it brings the planet and everything upon it into an entirely new paradigm.

Valdar ~ The Blossoming Of Your New Today

Andrew lovingly shares this delightful Channelled Gem from his reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Valdar. Welcome, beloved brother. Welcome to this Council. …

Yes, the Mother has created, birthed from her very form, this form of humanoid as an experience, a different place, a different reality, a place for her angels to play and experience love, express love, in ways that are different than when you are without the corporal form, or at least this corporal form.

And this collective is in the process of serious major redefinition, of a bringing to the forefront of the next, shall we say ‘model’ of what it means to be Gaian. Many of the artificial constructs, the false barriers that have been put in between body, mind, spirit, mental, emotional, causal, astral, all of these are becoming far more fluid as the collective, and of course individually, you choose to rise and become the truly interdimensional beings you were always intended to be.

The Mother/Father did not create a human paradigm – an earthly, or actually galactic, actually universal paradigm, dimensional reality of 12 dimensions and 12 planes within each dimension – in order to imprison, to capture, to restrict humans into a third-dimensional reality that allowed no fluidity in what the Mother has created.

This has been the egoic and rather abusive creation of humans who have wished to be emperors or kings, and that paradigm is quite literally being erased so that there is equality. But not only equality. That there is freedom to manoeuvre, and to create, and to co-create in the entire spectrum within which the human collective operates.

For so long, when this potential, when this greater understanding, and therefore the potential of this 12:12 has been offered up to humans, far too often they have shied away and said, “Oh no, we like being contained in this cube of the third physical dimensional reality.” That has shifted. And it is shifting rapidly with the blossoming of the new tomorrow, which is actually your new today, which is actually the Mother’s New Normal and the Mother’s Never Ending Wonderful.

What is Never Ending Wonderful is the realm of possibilities that are quite literally on the table before you as you accept this multidimensional aspect of yourself, and of each other, and certainly of us!

So there is grand progress because that offer has been open-ended. But it is only now that the momentum is of humans saying yes – and saying yes basically to love – because this is a love construct, it is a love offering, and it brings the planet and everything upon it into an entirely new paradigm.

So, beloved brother of blue, it is good news all the way around!

Channelled by Linda Dillon, 18 April 2024

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn