When you think of the future and what you wish to create, what you know your soul design demands, then you bring it, you embrace it, and you bring it into the present.

Archangel Uriel’s Spring Equinox 2023 Message ~ Stay in the Present!

I am Uriel, Archangel of Silver, Brother of Love, Bringer of the Future – and beloved ones, the future is now!

And so, yes, the channel speaks about the clearing of the old paradigm, of the remnants, and you say, “Why do I have to do this for everybody else?” Because you are brilliant! Yes, because you are trustworthy, because you will not embrace those old paradigms, those old erroneous patterns; because you are strong and you are stalwart; and sweet angels, because you have offered!

This is not a burden placed upon you. As the Mother has said, it is entrusted to you. And no, it is not meant to weigh you down to the point where you feel that you are not even grounded but beneath the ground – which sometimes is not a bad idea!

But what I wish to say to you… and I know, there is much to be done today… but what I wish to say to you – and I am going to help you – is: Stay in the present! Stay in the gift!

And you say to me, “Well, Uriel, how do we do that when in fact we are clearing the old, the past?” There is a curious phenomenon, particularly as humans, that you believe in, that you cannot go back, even though we have taught you about jumping time. But understand, when you bring up an issue – dredge it up! – from your past and you look at it, you are bringing the past into the present. That is the whole theme of embracing. Bring it into the present!

The very act of doing that on a personal or a collective pattern, issue, behaviour… yes, even recalcitrants… what you do is you bring it into, you embrace it into the Mother’s New Time. And the very fact that you are doing that cleans it up – acts as you, on your silver throne, in your divine authority and wisdom. It is as if you are simply clearing the crumbs off a sacred scroll.

Similarly, my beloveds – and this is why I ask you: Stay in the present! – when you think of the future and what you wish to create, what you know your soul design demands, then you bring it, you embrace it, and you bring it into the present. And in so doing, you are bringing it into the tangible reality not only of creation but of manifestation.

So you are bringing the dross from the back, and the dreams, and you are bringing the creation forward – and you are anchoring all of this not only in your beautiful sacred self but in the present reality within which you are operating in this amorphous space called “time”.

Now, I know this is a lot to comprehend and I am more than happy, willing, begging you: Let me help! You are operating in a new spectrum so of course there is adjustment and new learning. And is that not exciting?

Let me give you my Silver Dream! Let me give you and reignite your Silver Flame so that you can see into whatever you are looking at – not just the façade – but the true essence, substance, content and roadmap, feet on the ground, fully present as the beautiful Nova Gaian Ascended Self that you are!

I love you so dearly. Thank you for being you.
