When there is truly peace is when everything – all the miraculous creations, co-creations, the bringing of abundance, equality for all – that is when it can happen!

This beautiful Channelled Gem is lovingly shared from a personal reading with Guardian Angel, Josianna, through Linda Dillon.

Josianna ~ Holding the Vision of the Real Meaning of Peace

Greetings, I am Josianna, guardian and friend, protector, defender, keeper of your flame of blue, keeper of your heart of blue, welcome! Welcome into the calm blue – yes, the calm blue where the Warriors of Light preside, where the Warriors of Love live, not in aggression but as the powerful communicators, the anchors of peace, in the truest meaning of that word!

So many upon the planet, this beautiful Gaia, have literally forgotten or not called up their ancient memory banks to know what true peace feels like, both within themselves, inside their very essence, but also in society, in nations, in continents. It is such a curious phenomenon that one of the most basic elements of joy, of love, could be forgotten.

And as you well know, peace is not the cessation of war or upheaval or chaos – that is but a mere housekeeping step towards peace. And that is our Mother’s Plan – to have peace reign upon this beautiful planet that it become the new normal, the original normal.

It is curious how some interpret peace as ‘peace and quiet’ [chuckling] and then they think: “It is rather boring, there is nothing happening.” But in truth, in the divine truth, in the divine knowing, when there is truly peace is when everything – all the miraculous creations, co-creations, the bringing of abundance, equality for all – that is when it can happen!

The situation in the Ukraine has brought this back front and centre to the collective awareness. It is unbelievable in many ways that the devastation in the East, in the Middle East and Syria, in Africa, has not brought this awareness, this yearning, the re-kindling of not just the desire but the demand for peace.

So that is what is occurring… and yes, it is devastation and it is sacrifice on so many levels… but it is to re-kindle not just the desire but the demand, the action, the creation of peace not just for one small area but for this world that you occupy.

So you are an angel of peace, sweet one. Hold this vision! And hold this vision for yourself, for your family, for your community, for your planet, for everybody, for that is what you are doing.