Message of The Day

In this I say to you, my beloveds, my friends, my allies, my keepers of Universal Law: “I implore you, I invite you: Apply the laws. Let me guide your hand and your heart, your mind and your being. Let us transmute and transform this planet instantaneously. Let the...

Fill yourself with my Golden Elixir, my Elixir of Joy!  … allow Mi-ka-el’s Blue Flame of Truth and the Mother’s 5th Eye of Tanzanite …  so that you may see what is truly the situation. … Stay in what is uplifting you and give the rest to us! …...

Message of the Day

When I traveled to France … I traveled beyond the horizon to a new life … a new way of being. … into the literal and etheric cave. That was not the whole story … my abilities … might be called paranormal. I would go to my sacred place...

Message of the Day

So often I have said to thee, “If it feels like love, then do it. And if it does not, turn away.” … This will clarify… this is you going big, and this is us holding you, steadying you as you grow, expand into the beauty of who you are.   Divine...

Message of The Day

Be true to yourself; dig deeper into what you truly desire. What I am asking of you this day and every day is to have extraordinary courage; have the courage to truly, not only to explore your dreams, your desires of what you choose to bring forth, have the courage to...