You know, in terms of the evolution – and even what I might call ‘revolution’ – that the next step in the unfoldment is here upon Gaia…

This wonderful gem is lovingly shared by Irene from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Divine Mother Speaks To The Many Called To Assist Ascension

Greetings, I am Mary, I AM Maré, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Love, Mother of Action, and I welcome you …

Yes, you have come from the distant shores of a distant planet and you have travelled, sweet one, throughout the galaxies – yes, assisting me and assisting our beloved Archangel Mi-ka-el in the anchoring of peace, in the anchoring of love, in the anchoring of hope – and, in that, in the transformation of many, many, many planetary systems.

So, sweet daughter, [daughters and sons] you come to this galaxy – yes, you have visited it before – but you come because you fully understand and are prepared to not only integrate, but to live what Ascension is and what it looks like.

Yes, it is a process – but, sweet angel, it is a process that you have been engaged in not only in this lifetime but for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, both upon Gaia and elsewhere, because even though there are times when you think you do not know the details, when you think – yes, mental body – that you do not know the whys and wherefores, in fact you are fully conversant with Ascension, and you are fully conversant and fully engaged in the Ascension of your sweet self and this planetary, what we would call, collective.

No, I do not simply mean the human beings, for they are the ‘tag-alongs’ in many ways [chuckling] – delightful tag-alongs, children born of my heart, my soul, my essence. And you know the importance of what many are calling, and what I call Ascension, for it is a higher, broader realm of heart consciousness.

It is the anchoring and the integration of the Divine Qualities, and it is living within Universal Law and the Blessings & Virtues; the fulfilment of your dreams; acceptance and alignment with your Divine Authority and the embrace of that – the embrace that says you are ready, willing and able to do this. And it is why you have come. …

But you know, in terms of the evolution – and even what I might call ‘revolution’ – that the next step in the unfoldment is here upon Gaia – in all her magnificence, this sweet archangel child that is already firmly anchored in the 7th dimension – yes, holding the realm of all dimensional realities, allowing the humans particularly to venture into whatever dimensional reality they would choose.

But understand, yes, you have come for many reasons, but there are two primary ones: to assist me, not only in the hope of a collective Ascension, but in the actuality of an Ascension of this group called humans. And even before that, you have come again on my behalf – yes, working often with Gabrielle and Michael and the re-anchoring of hope – but inside that is the knowing, the knowingness that hope is based upon.

So yes, it engages with trust, but you have known – you have known your entire life and many, many lifetimes – that this will take place and that you are part and parcel of assisting the collective, the humans… well, what we can call the human collective… to go forth in this assumption of accepting the mantel of who they really are.

You may feel, dearest heart, that you have some blank spots, that you have some areas that you aren’t entirely clear upon but let me suggest to you: your heart knows! It is not a matter of if you are going to ascend; you are already in the middle of this! And there are times when you act as a wayshower and there are times when you assume the position of gatekeeper, or even sometimes portal, sometimes even pillar, collecting the stragglers [chuckling] as it were!

The reason you feel that you are overweight – because in my eyes and in my heart you are perfect and you always have been – but you have found it particularly… and at times extraordinarily… difficult to remain grounded upon this planet. So this literally has acted for you as ballast to hold you down, to keep your feet quite literally on the ground.

There is also a part of you, sweet one, that is very suspicious, very wary, of the human race. Because, as I have said, you have seen the intergalactic wars; you have lived on other planets; you have seen the good, the bad, the ugly; and there is this part of you that has always wanted – despite what you think – to keep the human beings a little at bay. And so you have developed and held onto… regardless of what you eat or don’t eat… you have developed these layers, literally, of physical protection.

Because you have also known – yes, both on Earth and elsewhere – that the appetites of humans particularly… well, at this phase, but at many phases… can be quite destructive and engage in abuse – the abuse of power, the abuse of control, the abuse of sex and intimacy. So you have kept them quite literally at bay.

This is not, by the way, at particular detriment to your health. So this is not something that I am saying to you that you need to be concerned about – yes, aware of most certainly – concerned about, no, not in the slightest.

You are not only angelic, sweet one, you are very much a Star Being and you have a tendency, when you are not off with Mi-ka-el, to access the healing chambers and the various methods of healing upon the ships at night. So, in the physical realm, that simply is not something we are concerned about.

You were fully aware, awake and aware, when you chose… with me and with your guides… you were fully aware of the challenges that this life would bring. You have never returned – and you have had over 3,000 incarnations on and off-planet – to any planet or situation without a full understanding of the reasons why you were coming, the dangers, the pitfalls – and the rewards!

Do not think, not for one moment, my beloved daughter, that you are not going to fully and completely integrate, anchor, participate in the Ascension – we are not talking hidden or unconscious – in the conscious Ascension process, in the conscious fullness of awakening, and that you will assist many… many, many, many… in this undertaking. It is probably one of the biggest reasons you are here, so do not even think that you have not sufficient time.