As you are moving forth – not only claiming your star heritage, your angelic heritage, but truly claiming your Gaian heritage which is the key to all of this – you are increasing your literal, physical, tangible, creative expressions upon the planet from 10% to 50%.

At the behest of Archangel Michael, Andrew shares this “fabulous news” from his reading with Linda.

Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael.

Andrew: Oh, greetings Michael, once again.

AAM: And greetings to you, beloved friend, dear ally, brother of the light, brother of the love.

And welcome to this time of dramatic shift and change, of this unfoldment of our Mother’s into your reality and what you think of as your current unfoldment, which is truly simply the announcement, shall we say, the unfoldment of Nova Earth and Nova Being and Nova Wonder.

For this is a time of celebration – and celebration in the truest meaning of the word – to truly, with awe and inspiration and wonder… with reverence… celebrate not what is to come but what has already been accomplished, both in the seen and the unseen realms.

The Mother and I have been telling you, telling humanity – announcing to humanity – that you are becoming the ‘fifty-percenters’. And in your vision and your terminology, so often you would think that a ‘fifty-percenter’ is mediocre at best – and that is particularly true [laughing] for those of you, like yourself, who strive for perfection, who have stood on performance [chuckling].

But when you think of it, for human beings – angels in form – and make no mistake; there is not a single being upon your planet that has not been in angelic form at one time or another, and it matters not if they are earthkeeper or star being or starseed or hybrid of any description – all have experienced the Angelic Realm.

But back to the ‘fifty-percenters’. In human reality, as we have said, the human collective – yes, with great variation within that collective, for there are many of you… and yet, in some ways, there are only a few – the human collective has not, because of the old grids of lack and limitation and tunnel vision, might I say, and a whole array of issues… core issues and otherwise… the human race has not truly created in physicality, shall I say, up to their potential.

Now the potential of what they have created in terms of the unseen realms – which is where most lightworkers, thank heavens, quite literally, have done their work – has been about 90% and 10% in the physical realm. And that was because of the circumstance – shall we say the environment, the climate – because of these restrictive energies in form on planet.

But as you are moving forth – not only claiming your star heritage, your angelic heritage, but truly claiming your Gaian heritage which is the key to all of this – you are increasing your literal, physical, tangible, creative expressions upon the planet from 10% to 50%.

Now, is that happening in the blink of an eye? No. But is it happening and is it to be celebrated? Yes! And it is happening more certainly and more clearly and more rapidly than most of you – in an individuation sense – are realising.

But merely think of the various projects, not only that you have undertaken by your sweet self, sweet one, but the changes that you are seeing in the texture, in the atmosphere, in the environment, the behaviour, the attitudes of those surrounding you. This is tangible. No, it may not be a solid building, but what are solid buildings? What are Cities of Light? They are Cities of Love! So you may have all the beautiful, fancy buildings, and if the love and light quotient is not present, then it is not a City of Light.

So what you are effecting in tangible reality, in increasing the production, shall we say, from 10% to 50% is truly significant and you have need – all of you – to give yourself a pat on the back!

Now why do I say this and why do I begin this day to you, my beloved friend, speaking of these tangible shifts?

Because I know you and I know your heart, and I know your exhaustion and I know how weary – and even at times how wary – you are. So I point and I ask thee to truly observe in your fellow human beings how this shift is very noticeably taking place, and in that, as the vibratory compatibility is reached, how this is also setting, quite literally, the stage for your Star family, of all ilk and colour, to be able to be literally… publicly, shall I say… present upon the planet.

So this is fabulous news. It is news that you, sweet one – and many – have awaited for a very long time. So I come to give you not only this encouragement that the other things that you have been working on such as home and family and resources are in the works.

So take heart, my friend – but not only take heart as in to draw upon again your courage, your valour, your forbearance, your persistence and consistency. Take heart and celebrate with glee and joy and exuberance and excitement, because you are not about that the change is coming, the shift is coming. Dearest one, it is already underway!

And you are a vanguard in this, as you well know, and you have been stalwart and true – and this does not go either unnoticed or, might I even say, unrewarded. And that again goes for many of you.


Channeled by Linda Dillon