[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/spiritbroadcast-com/11-love-the-cities-of-light-part-3″ ]
Channeling Excerpt from Podcast:
Greetings, I am ZenZuriah; Wingmaker, future being speaking to you across the years, across the decades, across the millennia. Speaking to you from the Atlantean City of Light, and welcoming you.
I come this day, basically, to thank you my beloved ones, dearest friends and allies. You are awakening humanity, and in so doing – in opening your hearts, your beings to love in acting and behaving, and anchoring love in being your truth and ascended selves – are bringing forth our reality, our actual existence.
We have depended completely upon you – upon your expanded consciousness, your heart consciousness, your heart listening, your heart speaking. And the shift to live in a way that is accepting not only of diversity, but the beauty, the splendor, the might, the glorious profusion of diversity. And accepting and living and being in the understanding of the importance of how you proceed right now in your time. And how your decisions, your heartfelt decisions, your actions, your behaviors, influence – not only influence but actually create not the potential, but whether or not we exist.
And what I say to you this day my brothers and sisters of Terra Gaia, of ZenGaia, ZenTerra, is that we are coming forth. And we are coming forth in the beauty and the splendor of renewed Earth, of restored Earth, of restored humanity – because of what you are doing.
The heart opening, the acceptance of your inter-multi-dimensional-self, your capacity and, yes, acceptance to raise your frequencies to embody the highest vibrations has created – not might, not may – in the short time of several months your awakening has anchored our future. Yes, it is your future; it is the future of your Wingmaker self. But it is also our future.
I share the picture of our reality, of a sparkling planet. Literally, a jewel in the Mother’s Crown. The planet of love glistening. A model throughout the omniverse of what love in form looks like and is. This planet Gaia is a planet of beauty where we live in city states of cooperation, where the individual talents are raised and appreciated and allowed to blossom.
We have structured ourselves not only according to Universal Law, to the laws of love; we have structured ourselves in ways that there are latitudes for each person, each kingdom, each family, each community to create and co-create what brings joy – what is of joy, what is of beauty, what is of glory, what is of compassion and what is of humility.
I come this day to reaffirm what you are doing not only is working, but has worked. The human race is and has ascended. And so, I speak to you from this Golden Age where love reigns and peace is a constant. And I come this day to thank you – to thank you for your work, to encourage you, to support you to keep going. Not your future, but the future depends upon it. It is entrusted to you. And not only that, we trust you. We admire you. We honor you. And we love you.
Go in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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