So I come this day to give it to you and to reintegrate, to reignite that you remember your infinite capacity to love and to pass it on.
My beloved, it is so fine to see you again, to hold your hand again, to feel your breath upon my cheek, to see the sun glistening in your hair or on your head. You are not the only one who wondered about how and when. I have not forgotten our friendship and our Love, I have not forgot the commitment and the truth of your heart and how you have stood by me through good times and times that were difficult. For sometimes it is hard to let go but I knew that you would carry on, as would I. But I come this day to give you a gift, but I also come to ask you for help yet again.
The mission of this Council of Love is to instill Love into the hearts of every being upon this planet and then far beyond; we have no intention of stopping. But you also know, my sweet friend, my human mission was cut short as well; my human mission to instill Love and to share the messages of Love, of freedom, of equality. And of course I have worked in many realities on the continuation of this but I ask for your help now. But I also come to share with you my sacred heart. I always shared my Love with you, in/out of form, or in-between. Long ago I have given my beloved heart to my beloved Magdalena and she to me, but now I wish to give it to all of you because that is how deep our connection is. My capacity for Love is infinite for I AM that Son of the Mother/Father One, as are you. So I come this day to give it to you and to reintegrate, to reignite that you remember your infinite capacity to love and to pass it on.
I beg you to take it, that we will complete our mission that was always about Love and the restoration and the core reality of all. It is not the sacred heart of suffering; it is the sacred heart of JOY. It is the sacred heart of laughter, for remember when I picked up the children and played, or when we stood here and skipped stones across the water, when we made food for thousands and sometimes just for six of us. It didn’t matter because it was family, and it is the family of humankind. I ask you to help me in this completion and in this ascension. And I know your hearts, and I know the answer is yes. So let us take a moment for me to complete this over-lighting and instillation within you. You shine brighter than the sun on the water; you shine deeply into the depths.
I thank you, I thank you. We will never be separated again. So now I say not only to go with my Love, but go with my heart. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
15th Annual Gathering, Sedona, AZ