Hi Beautiful People!
I want to share the Information about the upcoming Modern Shamanism talks in the United States with Hamilton Souther.Please Don’t miss this!!
Modern Shamanism is about connection, we are Shamans, and we are the artist of our own life. The practice of Modern Shamanism is an invitation to connect with life and everything that is part of our life as a whole and as individual. Only in daily practice we gain the meaning, understanding, purpose and wisdom necessary to enjoy the mastery of life. Modern Shamanism is a spiritual practice based in the principle that everything is a whole and is a spirit.
All the Answers are within us.
In Modern Shamanism there is no masters, and nor ideologies, or specific beliefs. Modern Shamanism is the validation of our experience and we can not hide from this, if we want to embrace the magnificent gift of our own Life.
Check the dates and the city closer to you !! Modern Shamanism Workshops are getting closer!! … San Francisco, Boulder, Chicago, New York, Fort Lauderdale (Nov. 11 and 12th), New Orleans, Los Angeles
Also read the article: The Origins of Modern Shamanism by Hamilton Souther.
All my Love from a Modern Shaman
Andreina Womutt