Jesus Sananda speaks more about Earth and the Gulf of Mexico. “…the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was to have a physical experience of Love…the creator race, as you have come to think of it and know it, was to create experiences, activities, the joy of physicality…And what is happening now – this is what I’ve been telling you, what we’ve all been telling you – right now in your time, in your place there is this resurgence of Love…So like me, resurrect and remember and help others remember Love is the key…I want you to, together, to Love the oil in your Gulf of Mexico. I want you to Love it so much that it evaporates. That is your next assignment in concert with Gaia and acknowledging that you are the creators and what has shifted.”
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. I am Jeshua. I am known by many names and all of them mean Love.
I wish to explain to you this day a little more about this creation and about this creation race, the creator race. It is not a race of supremacists – quite the contrary. It is a race of humble human beings who are the embodiment of grace and the embodiment of Love.
Often we have talked to you, and particularly my beloved Mother has talked to you, about the creation of this wonderful planet of Gaia and how it was created as a planet of Love and a planet of peace, my friends. We cannot have a planet of war and have Love present. We cannot have a planet where there are the false paradigms of control and greed, anger and lust.
So in the very creation and the essence of this mighty being called Gaia was the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was to have a physical experience of Love. The planet was created in majesty. Nothing went unattended from dewdrops to oceans, forget-me-nots to the redwood forests, from the grain of sand on the beach to the Rocky Mountains, to the Himalayas. Nothing, nothing was overlooked: the diversity, the splendor. How could an angel not come here and feel that they were in the heart of magic still connected to all of us at home?
When the first beings came and their heritage, their lineage as you tend to think of it even when they were star beings, were angelic. That has always been the function of this place and the act of service that Gaia performs for the Mother. And part of the joy, the fun of the beings who arrived in the very start, long before any of your recorded history, even long before Lemuria, was to create. Now the physical playground had been created; it had been set. But what the first race, the creator race, as you have come to think of it and know it, was to create experiences, activities, the joy of physicality. And most of that physical experience was not just of having a body but of having emotion, ego – but not ego the way you think of it but persona because of the form they had chosen to inhabit and create to take with them – and a mental facility as well. Now that was an enormous creation. And then they arrived: so what will we do with it? And the creation has never stopped.
Now over many thousands of years the illusions, the false paradigms – what we call the disillusion – have gained footing, gained a foothold very deep in the hearts and the minds of the collective. But still that kernel of knowing, of being able to create has never gone away whether it is creating a child, a baby, a family, a business, a flower garden. So we shake our heads in confusion and disbelief when human beings say “I cannot create.” It is just that the process has been slightly skewed.
When I came to Earth – and it was my choice and my joy, I do not want to hear about the martyr, that is absurd – did I have moments of sadness? Of course. And so do you. But let me tell you it was my choice to come, and it was my profound joy to have my feet in the desert sand, in the water, to hold a newborn, to witness the flowers in the spring, to gaze physically at someone I loved. This was a joy.
Now my purpose – just like each of you have purpose, and often I hear you say “Jeshua, what is my soul contract?” and I say to you look in the mirror – my purpose and our plan was that if I could resurrect and reinstill that basic fundamental understanding, that operational belief system of Love once again, then beings would get back on track because that is what had been lost in the darkness, that is what had been lost in the angelic creator race. The illusion of separation, of isolation had grown so I came to remind everybody of Love. And that Love would resurrect anything, that it would conquer anything even death, blindness, poverty, hunger.
Now on Earth there are great debates about whether I succeeded or not. But let me assure you, my beloved friends, on our side there is no doubt because over 2,000 years later you are still talking about it. And I am not talking about Christians and bibles. Even those who have conversations where they deny – I do not care if they deny me – it is the Love I don’t want them to deny. And what is happening now – this is what I’ve been telling you, what we’ve all been telling you – right now in your time, in your place there is this resurgence of Love. It is the answer. Yes, and it is the answer to all the breakdowns of the systems that you are witnessing, the systems that have been built on false beliefs which you would call shifting sand. And it is good news.
But the key, the answer, and the core of recreating this experience of being on Earth is Love. It is letting go of all the illusions and stepping into the knowing that you are the creator, that your best friend is a creator, and that we are co-creators with you. And so is Gaia. So are your star brothers and sisters. They were here in the very beginning. They have never left. You cannot continue to say “Oh, it is the forces of darkness and evil, and they are having a battle.” Well, we are well aware of that. But it is not an even battle because where Love shines, all of that, all of that ridiculous illusion evaporates.
So I want to ask you this. I want you to, together, to Love the oil in your Gulf of Mexico. I want you to Love it so much that it evaporates. That is your next assignment in concert with Gaia and acknowledging that you are the creators and what has shifted. You say “Well why now are we the creator race?” The reason is you woke up. You have anchored your divinity. Time to get busy. And we, we will help you. We will serve you. We will coach you. We will do your tasks. We will do your bidding. But acknowledge who you are. Cherish who you are. This is the greatest gift of the Mother, and in reality it is the only gift: the gift of Love. It may take many forms, but the energy of the universe is Love. So like me, resurrect and remember and help others remember Love is the key. It is the key to Heaven, but it is also the key to Earth.
I am proud of you, my friends. I stand with you and soon I shall stand among you. Go with my Love and go in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon