Eliminate Lack and Limitation

This beloved master rarely comes forward but this week he and St. Germaine were spotted in Colorado…Djwhal Khul speaks to this and much more…”We can talk about the elimination of lack and limitation and we can talk about the creation of balance in...

Archangel Michael’s Strategic Peace Initiative

Archangel Michael has beckoned us to co-create Peace on Earth many times, the last time being from February 18, 2006 to February 16, 2008. All of this was in preparation for our planned Ascension in 2012. Now we are being blessed and invited to enter into the fullness...

Tsunami of Love Meditation

The Council of Love’s meditation to guide you in anchoring your sacred self in the Divine Mother’s Tsunami of Love. The more often you do this meditation the more potent it will become. You are anchoring and activating not only for your sacred self but for...