Message of The Day

So, I come, and I ask of thee, I engage you… practice the law, be the law. Remember and be your sacred purpose. Remember and be your intent. And where there is dross or debris, use Transmutation, Transmission, Elimination… never in judgment, always with me, to...

Message of the Day

Call me! Call ALL of us! … We are not hanging out in some distant galaxy or on a cloud. We are on the streets … walking the streams … quenching the fires, especially emotional fires …  tending to our beloved Gi’Anna. … Fulfil the promise...

Message of the Day

You are the handmaidens of manifestation; you are the bringers of the new; you are the imagination of God in form, on planet. Can you imagine? Hear what I say to thee!   Archangel Gabrielle

Message of the Day

Come with me now, without form, knowing that part of you is eternal.  That spark of light, that touch of love, has anchored within you as an angel and human being.   Jesus

Message of The Day

So, let us journey together in the magenta wind, as we travel on our spirit horses across this beautiful universe. Come with me, I will take care of you, and I will show you the truth of who you are. Maitreya

Message of The Day

What it means to be a Nova Being is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good, and this addiction to domination and control comes to an end. El Morya