Sanat Kumara ~ the 8th Universal Law of Transmutation

Part of that creation, part of your might, is knowing when something is worth saving. And what I would suggest to you is that there is very little within any of you or upon Gaia that is not worth saving. The desire is to preserve and to bring back what was originally...

Sanat Kumara ~ the 7th Universal Law of Unification

I come to speak this day on this delightful topic of unification because of course it is the fiber, the matrix of who we all are throughout the multiverse, throughout the omniverse, that the Mother/Father/One has created. It’s very large. There is a knowing, of all...

Buddha ~ the 6th Universal Law of Attachment/Detachment

I come to you as wayfarer and yes, as always, I ask you to sit with me underneath the Bodhi tree for what better place is there to observe the coming of miracles, the fulfillment of creation, the unfoldment of the Plan and the unfoldment of your plan? There is a time...